Chapter 56

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Violet's POV

I'm debating if I should go back in the house or stay out here. I have absolutely no idea where Dean is, Naomi is probably mad at me now, and I'm not going to bug Roman. He wants to be with his family and I'm not going to ruin that.

I stay sitting on the steps outside thinking of what to do.

I just want to go home.

Do I even have a home? The last like 10 years I been at an adoption center, a hotel, or a tour bus. I don't think I have a home. Wow. What a life.

I get up and walk back into the house to see everyone in their previous spots. Still no Dean.

Roman sees me and leaves the group of people he was with to approach me.

He goes to say something but I cut him off.

"Roman I'm sorry, this is your birthday and I feel like I'm making everything about me, I'm just going to stay outside so I don't bug you anymore." I give him a hug before I walk back outside.

Roman's POV

I watch Violet walk back outside before I can say anything at all. She's taking this whole thing really hard. I guess I should let her have her time.

I sigh and grab a beer from the 6 pack sitting on the counter. I don't like how she thinks that she's ruining my birthday, she's really not. She really helps me keep my head off of the whole thing with Galina, so seeing her really made everything better.

I stand next to the couch that Randy and Seth are sitting on and look down at them.

I'm making everything better for Violet, she helps me so I'm gonna help her.

"Hey, pause that for a second." I say motioning to the game they were playing and they pause it to look at me. "I have to talk to you guys about something."

I can tell by the look on their faces they know exactly who and what I'm talking about.

"No." They say at the same time and look away.

"Just come here! Damn, this is my house and you do what I say." I snap at them and they get taken back and give in.

They get up and follow me to the hallway away from everyone.

"What Roman?" Seth leans against the wall and looks at me.

"I just want to know why you turned on Violet?" I ask them

"We had to Roman we already said that." Randy said simply.

"Do you know how happy you guys made her? She was so happy and you completely fucked it up. She's all distant now just like she was when we first got her because she's scared that Dean and I are gonna leave her like you guys did. Do you know how fucked up you all are for that? You promised her for so long that you weren't ever gonna go anywhere and that you were never leaving her side and you guys left. Do you understand how much that hurt her?" I snapped again.

They both look at each other like they were thinking the same thing, I can't tell what exactly they're thinking though. They both walk off without saying anything. I don't know if that means they're gonna talk to her or if they're gonna completely ignore what I said.

I hate seeing Violet upset like this, she doesn't deserve it and I'd do anything to fix it. I hear a door open down the hall I immediately turn to see who it was.

"What were you doing in there?" I ask Dean coming out of Jojo's room.

"I just needed to cool down from Randy and Seth. They piss me off way to easily, I just needed to relax. Where's Violet?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"Outside. I tried to talk to Randy and Seth about it and they left, I don't know if they're gonna talk to her or just forget about it but I tried. She's being weird." I tell him and he nods.

"I'll go talk to her." He walks away.

Dean's POV

I walk outside to see Violet sitting on the steps with her head on her knees.

I get why she's upset about all of this and I really don't like it. I mean, she has me, she doesn't need anyone else. Right? I understand they promised and all that, but still.

"Violet?" I come up from behind her and sit next down.

"Hey," she says lightly not looking away from the tree in the yard.

"Baby I don't like to see you upset." I tell her and wrap my arm around her waist and she lays her head on my shoulder.

"I know I'm sorry. I know I said that I wasn't gonna let them get to me and I did I'm sorry. I probably ruined Roman's birthday. I just mess everyth-" I cut her off.

"Stop saying that Violet! You're not ruining anything! You'll always have me and that's all you will ever need. Please don't be upset and stress over them, it's not worth it." I tell her kind of yelling at the beginning not meaning to.

"I don't want to stress over them, I can't help it. You 4 are the first people I have ever trusted and I lost them so quickly. I really thought I would have them forever but I guess not, they're just like everyone else." She looks around and still avoids eye contact with me. "It's cool though because soon I won't have to deal with anyone anymore." She looks back down at ground and I finally process what she just said.

"What do you mean by that? Because you're not leaving me again Violet. You don't understand how much you mean to me, I tell you this all the time but I can't ever put it into words to explain it. One day I'll be able to really explain it. But whatever thought you have that you're leaving, you're not okay? You're staying with me forever baby." I tell her and she looks at me finally.

"I haven't felt this upset since I left the adoption center. I shouldn't be like this but I can't help it."

She goes to say something else but her eyes immediately look at the front door to see Seth and Randy standing there probably listening to everything that was just said.

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