Chapter 44

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Violet's POV

This past week has been absolutely incredible, everyone is getting along, we've been having so much fun and we're all a big team in the WWE, all 5 of us. It's just fantastic.

We're all up against the authority at the next paperview in 3 weeks.

Seth and Dean are getting along again and I couldn't be happier. It's back to the way it was at the very beginning.

"Violet do you wanna come to the mall with me?" He asks me?

"Yeah sure." I smile at him knowing he wants to spend time with me. I heard him talking about it with Roman.

I get dressed and we head out.

"Soooo, I have a question." Randy starts as he starts our rental car.

"Okay." I nod for him to continue on.

"What are you gonna do about Seth and Dean?" He pulls out of the parking space.

"Well I don't know yet, i think I want Dean. I don't think the feelings I had for Seth are real, I think I was just hurt and he was just there. And Seth seems to be okay with not dating me and Dean is really taking it hard." I look out the window letting my full thoughts out before looking back at Randy.

"Well, I wanna help you decide completely on what to do. I feel like I'm not there for you enough and I want to. Now, answer this, when you were in the adoption center and you were watching us on TV, who'd you most like?" He stops for a moment, "besides me," he jokes causing me to laugh a bit.

"I think Dean, I like everything about him, it's just, I'm scared he'll end up hurting me again." I lay my head down on the back of the seat.

"Let me tell you something, Dean is in love with you Violet, and he always has been. Love isn't supposed to be easy. If there isn't fights, drama, any of that, it isn't real. Seth is so bad with relationships it's not even funny. Dean needs someone in his life that can fix him up and you're the one, without you, Dean isn't even stable really, that's why he's called unstable. Nothing Renee did or Emily did Can top what you've done for him." He explains looking over at me a few times but mainly keeping his eyes on the road.

I let everything Randy just said sink in before I say anything else.

He's right about everything.

"Did you become a love doctor?" I look at him and laugh a bit.

"Nope i just know love when I see it." He looks at me.

He pulls into a parking spot at the mall kind of close to the front and we get out and I immediately hug him.

He wraps his arms around me almost immediately.

"What's all this for love?" He rubs my back

"Thank you for everything. You're honestly the best person ever, you saved my life pretty much, even in the adoption center I would record every Raw and Smackdown and I would just watch you when I got mad or upset and you would instantly just put a smile on my face. And then you surprise me at the adoption center one day and out of everyone you could've picked, it was me. Just thank you Randy." I look up at him.

"You're welcome shorty. And trust me we all had our little bumps in the road but listen, we all love you very much and we'll do everything we possibly can to protect you and put a smile on your face." He pulls me out the hug and we walk inside the mall.


Me and Randy are finally on the way back to the bus after spending almost all day at the mall.

I've been dying to talk to Dean the entire time we were gone.

"It's bugging you not talking to Dean isn't it? I can tell." Randy says out of no where.

"Yeah it is actually. I just don't know what to say to him." I look down and play with my sleeve.

"Tell him exactly how you feel, don't lie, don't sugarcoat it, just tell him, same with Seth." He pulls out of the parking lot.

The rest of the car ride was just me thinking of what to say to them.

Before I knew it, we were pulled up at the parking lot that our bus is located at.

Me and Randy work together to get all the bags onto the bus.

I look around the bus and see what everyone was doing.

Roman was on facetime with his wife and daughter, Seth seems to be in the shower, and Dean laying on the couch eating. Lazy ass.

When Dean notices all the bags he gets all excited.

"Hey hey hey!! What'd u get me?" He throws his food on the ground and gets up to investigate the bags.

Randy hands him a bag of guy stuff he got him and the rest of the guys. I don't know exactly what was in there but yeahh.

He hands Roman a bag of stuff as well leaving 2 left, one for Seth and himself obviously.

Randy looks at me and back at Dean signaling me to go talk to him.

I take in a deep breath and go to Dean who is now sitting on the couch looking through his stuff received from Randy.

"Hey Dean, I gotta talk to you about something. I look around avoiding eye contact with him.

"Yeah what's up?" He puts the stuff back in the bag.

"Well I really want it to be me and you when I tell you this." I get up and head towards the front where no one really is besides the bus driver but he isn't really bugging me. Dean follows behind.

We sit on the little chairs and Dean looks at me in the eyes.

"So what's up?"



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