Chapter 53

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Violet's POV

I have to go out to the ring and explain my thoughts and feelings on last night when I don't even know what I'm thinking or how I'm even feeling at this point.

I watch the replay of what happened play on the TV closest to the gorilla, I can't stand to watch it. I have to act like I don't care and be a smart ass. It's what I'm attempting to create my character to be, but underneath my character, I'm hurt. Very hurt.

My music plays and I walk onto the stage with an emotionless look on my face, faking every last second of it. I grab the microphone sitting on the steps before I enter the ring. My music stops as I walk around the ring trying to figure out what to say.

"In the last 24 hours, all I've been hearing is 'CM Punk beat Violet last night.' Now, I'll deal with Randy Orton and Seth Rollins later but as far as I'm concerned, CM Punk and I have some unfinished business that was started last night and was supposed to finish for good!" I continue to walk around the ring. I lift the microphone up to my lips about to speak until I get cut off by someone's music.

I look towards the stage and see Phil standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Unfinished business?" He questions. "Violet last I checked I beat you last night fair and square!"

"I beat you every other time we had a match and that wasn't fair and square! You had those backstabbing bitches do it for you!" I yell into the microphone. It pained me to say that so much but I can't show it. I keep my straight face on and wait for Phil to say something. Instead Stephanie comes out, she stands next to Phil on the stage.

"Punk you have a match later tonight so I suggest you go and get ready for that. Violet you will get your chance at Randy and Seth, just not tonight. You have a match right now against.." She stops and motions towards the stage. Right when she does that AJ comes out and skips to Phil and gives him a kiss. Ew

I lean against the turn buckle and wait for AJ to skip her little happy self down here so I can beat her already. I really don't want a match, I'm not mentally ready for one right now. Let's just hope for the best.

Few minutes into the match

AJ just jumped from the top rope and landed perfectly on me knocking the breath out of me, she pins me and I kick out at 2. I roll out the ring for a few to regroup before I continue. AJ starts skipping around the ring and the crowd mixes with cheers and boos. After I catch my breath, I slide into ring with out AJ seeing and I spear her leaving her with no time to react.

Just then I felt something I haven't ever felt before. A mix of anger and adrenaline, I don't pin her just yet, I slide back out the ring and reach under the ring and grab a chair.

The crowd cheers in approval causing my adrenaline to get more crazy. I get back in the ring and start hitting her with the chair over and over again, I hear the ring bell meaning I got disqualified but it doesn't stop me, I keep hitting her.

I have so much anger and frustration built in me and I can't seem to control it anymore. A few seconds later I can feel myself being pulled off of her and pushed into the turnbuckle.

I see all sorts of security around me and Phil running down the ramp with the medical staff behind him to attend to AJ.

I breath heavily and try to get out of the security guards grips but I just can't seem to do it even with all this adrenaline and strength in me. Phil come up and with anger written all over his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He yells and pushes past all the security to stand in front of me also causing the security to let go of their grip on me.

I feel a sting in my cheek as Phil slaps me. I look back at him for a brief second as I punch him straight in the jaw and tackle him to the ground and continue to throw punches. It doesn't last long due to the security already standing there.

They push me back into turnbuckle and I hear Hunters music play. I can't see him because of all these damn security around me.

Once he gets into the ring, I see who he brought with him. Seth and Randy. I feel myself being more upset seeing them but I can't show it. They sided with The Authority again. I look at Phil moving and I try to get out their grips again but they just hold me tighter.

When Phil gets up, he goes straight after me again obviously not worried about AJ any. He throws punches and kicks at me and some of the security that is all on me goes to Phil. He starts yelling something towards me but I can't make it out from the crowd.

I'm not even comfortable being around Randy or Seth at all anymore. Hunter grabs a microphone from the timekeeper and he stands in the middle of me and Phil who is now pushed into the opposite corner that I am. AJ had fallen out of the ring.

"I am tired of seeing you two always fighting. Steph and I give you matches after matches and you still always end up fighting." He turns to face me. "We're through watching it. If Punk can't take care of you then I will." He throws the microphone down and goes for the attack on me with Randy and Seth joining him. The security move away from the scene, what security. The three punch and kick at me for what feels like hours, Hunter lifts me up and kicks me to set me up for a Pedigree. After the Pedigree, Randy and Seth does the Punt kick and Curbstomp leaving me laying motionless in the middle of the ring. 

What did I do to them? The three of them stand over me. I roll over slowly and look at Seth and Randy with hurt in my eyes. How could they do this? Phil and AJ get back in the ring and stand over time accompanying Hunter, Seth, and Randy.

They kick me out the ring and I groan. I slowly limp up the ramp and walk backstage and break down into tears. My head already hurts and this is going to make it so much worse. I look around the backstage area and see Dean sitting in a nearby chair adjusting his leg cast. As I walk up to him he notices me walking up and notices that I'm crying and he immediately gets up and holds me in his arms.

"Baby what's wrong?" He rubs my back as I cry.

"I really lost them." I take in a deep breath and try to calm down. "They're done with me"

"Just give it some time my love, I promise in the end it will be okay. If it's going to be just me and you, or the 4 of us. We will be okay." He smiles and pecks my lips.

"You're cute when you smile." I smile lightly. "Are we going to still go to Roman's tomorrow?"

"Yeah but what if Randy and Seth are going to be there?" He asks looking concerned.

"I'm not there for them. I'm there for Roman." I tell him and he smiles yet again.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I grab his hands in my hands.

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