Chapter 58

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Seth's POV

I knew we shouldn't have listened to Phil. Everything he said sounded so true, I can't explain it. I understand we completely fucked up and now we're going to fix it.

We walk into Starbucks completely ignoring the lady at the front welcoming us in and walk straight to the back where Violet was.

She was looking down at her phone scrolling through what seemed to be instagram, still not noticing we're there.

We sit on both sides of her before she looks up at us.

"Oh sorry, I'll move." She locks her phone and puts it in her pocket.

Is she scared of us now? Did we really mess up that bad?

"No no no, stay. We need to talk to you." Randy leans against the table as Violet looks between Randy and I.

She had this look in her eyes that I never wanted to see, it was the same look she had when we first adopted her, she was scared we were gonna hurt her. It's the same look and I hated it.

"Violet listen, what we did was probably the biggest mistake ever. Phil pretty much brainwashed us with bullshit and I don't know why we believed it. If you don't forgive us it's okay, we'll understand. If you do, you and Dean are welcomed back to the bus." I started off and looked at Randy to continue. Violet kept her head down the entire time I was talking.

"We'll do anything to make it up to you shorty. Anything you want we can make it happen." Randy softly rubs her back and she flinches from him causing his face to fall. Violet has very bad trust issues, which is understandable after everything she's been through.

She stays quiet causing Randy and I to look at each other.

"Every time I forgive someone, I always get hurt again so I'm done forgiving. I wish I can believe you but I just can't. I miss you guys so much but I don't want to get hurt again." She tells us, not making any sort of eye contact with us.

"No more of that, I promise. Me, Randy, Dean, Roman, and you. Back to the way it was." I explain to her. "We'll even kick Phil's ass for you." I lean over a bit to try to get eye contact with her.

"We just want you to know how sorry we are. We shouldn't of ever believed anything Phil was saying after everything he's done to you. We're so stupid for doing that and we're sorry." Randy tells her and she looks up from the table to the open area around us.

"How do I know this isn't a set up and you're still siding with Phil?" She asks quietly still not looking at us.

"I promise we're not." Randy tells her and tries to get her to look at us.

"I have to go." She looks around and tries to find a way out considering she was in the corner and we were on both sides of her and the table is in front of her.

"Violet we have to talk." I tell her and she looks at me and I notice her getting a little annoyed.

"We already did and I don't believe you so please get up and move." She puts her phone in the pocket of her hoodie and tries to leave again but we continue to block her in.

"Violet please." Randy begs.

"No you said if I didn't forgive you, you would understand. I don't believe you and I don't forgive you. Last time you did this it was okay because it was part of the storyline, this time wasn't. You guys straight up just stabbed me in the back. As much as I wish I could believe you I just can't so just leave me alone." She forcefully shoves the table out of the way causing it to fall over making a loud thud. The crowd of people jumped from the loud noise while Violet walks out. The people behind the counter looks at us while Randy picks the table up and puts it in the original spot.

"Sorry about that." Randy apologizes to the whole store that still had they're eyes on us and Violet.

Randy sits back down and sighs deeply. "I need her to forgive us. I can't stand going another day without being able to talk to her."

That's when I got the best idea ever.

Violet's POV

I got way to annoyed with Seth and Randy, I had to leave. I walked away not heading to no specific place I just want to get away.

There's no way I can believe them and even trust them after what they did. I've been hurt by everyone and I always make mistakes by forgiving people. I'm not making the same mistakes again.

I walk through the streets stopping at a little bench and sitting down. After a few minutes I was zoned out of everything until I see Dean walking towards me.

"Violet do not walk off like that again." Dean stands above me. "Anything could've happened to you baby."

"I had to get away from Randy and Seth I don't like being around them anymore." I tell him and he takes in a deep breath.

"Violet you can't let them affect you like that." He says.

"I don't want to let them Dean but you guys were the first ones I actually trusted. I thought everything was okay, I thought I had the 4 best guys anyone could ever want in their life." I looks down at the ground.

"You don't need them Violet damn it! You have me. You're going on about Seth and Randy when you need to realize that I'm right here with you! I'm not leaving you. Ever. You only need me, nobody else." His voice rises a little bit.

I let every word he said sink in before I start talking again.

He was right though. I'm so worried about them when I'm not completely alone. I still have Dean.

I stand up and hug him and he immediately hugs back.

"I'm sorry you're right." I look down.

"Don't get upset babe. Where did you go though when you left?" He puts his hand on my chin so I'll look up at him.

"I went to Starbucks to relax and Randy and Seth showed up and tried to apologize so I got mad and left." I explain to him and he nods slowly.

"I think we should start heading back to Roman's. We haven't seen him in a while." He says while he grabs my hand and head off to Roman's.

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