Chapter 7

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Seth's POV

While me and Roman were moving Violets stuff into the bedroom I get a call from Hunter.

"Hello?" I pick up the phone

"Rollins! I need to talk to you in my office now!" He says strictly.

"Okay I'm on my way." I hung up and grabbed the keys to the rental car and told Roman I was heading out to Hunter's office for a meeting.

I park into the parking lot of the WWE head quarters and get out the car. I walk into the building and go up to his office. I start to get nervous. I knock on his door and he opens it up.

"Hello" I smiled at him. He moved out the way so I can walk in. I sit on the chair in front of his desk.

"We have a new idea for your storyline. You're going to turn on the shield on Raw next week. Don't tell them about it at all. Not even Violet." He said

I just sit there without saying anything. I can't turn on them, they're my brothers and Violet is like my sister. If I don't tell them then they'll never talk to me again.

"I don't know if I can do that. They're my brothers and my sister." I said and I play with the sleeve to my sweater.

"If you don't do it, you'll get fired" he said sternly. I sigh and agree to it. I get up and walk out.

I drive back to the bus and just sit there. Roman is laying on his bed sleeping.

I sit on the couch and think about this storyline. I can't do it. Randy Dean and Violet walk in the bus with multiple bags in each of there hands.

"Hi!!!" Violet says excitedly. I smile at her.

Skipping until Raw

Phil is out in the ring talking about his feud with John Cena Which is annoying as fuck. I know I'm not supposed to go out to the ring until I'm 18 but I can't help it.

I run through the curtains and down the ramp. I slide in under the bottom rope and tackle Punk. I start punching him just like how I did in the gym that one day.

I start slamming his head in the mat over and over. I feel arms wrap around me. I look up and see Roman with Dean and Seth behind them. Punk rolls out the ring and walks up the ramp.

Hunter comes out the ring and starts yelling at me for being out there when I'm not supposed to. Oh well. I'm leaning against the ropes when I hear the sound of a chair hitting someone.

I turn around and see Dean laying on the ground and Seth is holding a chair in hand.

"What are you doing?!" I scream at him. He hits Roman in the head with the chair so that just leaves me and him standing in the middle of the ring staring at each other.

I turn my head to look The Authority still standing at top of the stage. I turn my head back for it to be connected with the steel chair in Seth's hands. I fall back on the mat and hold my head.

Seth keeps beating me with the chair. I look at the Stage and see Triple H, Punk and Stephanie smirking and Randy is standing there with a worried and pissed look on his face. I don't know where Punk went

After Seth gives me one last hit with the chair, Stephanie, Randy and Triple H walk in the ring and stand over me and puts there fists together. I groan in pain and Randy is giving Seth death stares.

They leave the ring and Punk walks in from I don't even know where. He picks me up and puts on top of his shoulders and does the Go To Sleep to me. I lay there and see Dean and Roman slowly getting up and starts beating on Phil.

My head starts pounding a bit and everything starts going black. That's when I slip into unconsciousness.

I wake up and notice that I'm in a chair and there's a doctor above me. I lift my head off the chair a bit and feel a sharp pain go through it so I lay it back down.

I hear the door open and Dean and Roman walk in with worried looks on their face.

"Are you okay Kiddo?" Roman asks and grabs my hand.

"No. My head hurts." I grab my head. "Did you know that was gonna happen?" I ask them and they shake their head no.

"Where's Randy and Seth?"

"Well they're getting checked out by Drs themselves." Dean says. "Randy beat the shit out of Seth and Hunter and Phil came in and yea.

Randy walks in with his ribs wrapped up and he has his arm around them.

"Omg babygirl are you okay?!" He runs up
And hugs me. I wince a bit and he lets go.

I shake my head no and hold my head. "Why did Seth do this?" I start crying.

"Shh babygirl. I don't know." He holds me close.

I'm drifting off when I hear the door open. I ignore it think it's a doctor, but then I hear his voice. I open my eyes to the sight of Seth in front of me. He looks miserable.

"Why'd you do that Seth?!" I scream at him. He looks down.

"I'm so sorry. Hunter told me too. He told me not to tell you I didn't want to hurt any of you I swear." He looks upset. "If I didn't do it I could've gotten fired. I'm so sorry" he continues.

I look down. "You didn't have to hit me as hard as you did" I cry again.

"I'm sorry" is all he says.

"I need to think" I say and walk out of the room. I walk down the empty hallways of the arena when someone s me back and pulls me in an empty room and slams me against the wall.

I'm met with a face I don't wanna see right now.

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