Chapter 8

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Violets POV

I'm met with Phil smirking in front of me.

"W-What do you want?" I stutter a bit I winced a bit when we slammed me in the wall again because of my head injuries.

"I want Payback from what you did out in the ring when you know you're not supposed to be out there." He smirks again. This boy and his smirking.

"You got your payback. Thats the reason i have a damn head injury right now!!" I yelled at him. You can see the anger grow on his face.

I feel his hand connect with my cheek. I look up at him and slapped him back.

I hear the someone walk in and see a camera guy walk in and starts filming us. Okay, I guess Raw sing over yet.

"Listen hear you little bitch, you're worthless and you deserve everything your ass is gonna get." He tells me and throws me over tables and crap that is in the room.

The camera guy follows us while Phil drags me somewhere in the arena. He keeps slamming me into the walls and before i know it, I'm at the of a flight of stairs. This bitch threw me down stairs.

I feel a pain shoot through my arm i look down a bit and notice that my arm is bent in a way it shouldn't be. I scream in pain. I just lay there groaning in pain. I look at the top of the stairs and see the camera man and Phil aren't there. What bitches.

I feel me being lifted up in someone arms. I groan in pain "I need a hospital" i whimper. I can tell its one of the guys but i cant tell which one. The room is spinning and its blurry. "Please take me to a hospital" i whisper.

My vision clears up to see Seth rushing past people to get me to the hospital. He lays me in the Ambulance that they keep backstage for emergencies.

He sits on something in the ambulance and grabs my hand. "What happened shortie?" He asks me.

"P-Phil came a-and attacked me. H-he threw me down s-stairs and threw me into t-th-things" i stutter because i was crying in pain. I know Seth turned on me and hurt me himself but he pretty much just saved me.

"Im gonna kick his ass!!" He yells.

"Shh Seth i have a headache" i hold my head.

"Sorry kiddo" he smiles "This is my fault" he whispers to himself.

"Seth its not your fault. I was having problems with Phil anyway" i looked down.

"If I didn't hurt you like i did, you wouldn't of had left and got hurt." He looks at me.

"Seth you didn't have a choice. I forgive you" i forced a smile from my pain but i meant it.

"Thanks Babygirl" he hugs me, being careful of my injuries which im thankful for.

We made it in the hospital to find out i have broken Ribs and and a broken Arm and a serious concussion.

Seth is sitting there watching while they put the cast on my arm and wrap my ribs up.

I hear the door open and see Randy Dean and Roman. They all run up to my side looking really upset. "We are like the worst brothers ever" Roman said.

"Not worse than Seth." Dean glares at Seth. They start arguing.

"Hey!!! Calm down!!" Randy yells at them. "Settle this later."

"Randy?" I call for him i don't even think he heard me until he looks down at me.

"Whats up kiddo?" He smiles.

"How long do i need to stay here?" I ask him.

"I think we can leave now" he says and stands up. I try to get up but fail epically. Roman helps me up and i follow them out the room to the rental car.

We hop in and i sit between Seth and Dean with Randy and Roman up front.

It was awkward silence when Dean spoke up about something i thought we were past.

"You could've told us you were stabbing us in the back Rollins!" He says not even looking at him, just out his window. I sigh.

"I told you I couldn't. I would've gotten fired Dean!!" He yells.

"You could've told us so we were aware of it and not beat Violet up with a damn chair!!" Dean looks at him pissed off.

"Hunter told me too!!!" He yells louder than before.

I get tired of them and yell at them.

"Stop it!! Dean cut it out. I forgave Seth. He just basically saved my life, just fucking forgive him!! God damn!!" I scream at them.

We were sitting silence the rest of the way to the bus.

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