Chapter 47

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Violet's POV


Hunter and Stephanie made a match, Dean and I against Phil and AJ in a mixed tag team match due to our incident earlier.

Me and AJ just sat back at watched. We didn't even get involved. It was just Dean and Phil causing the scene, but I don't have a problem whipping ass.

"Ready princess?" Dean smiles and looks down at me as Phil's music stopped playing.

"I'm ready." I smile back at him and Deans music plays and we walk out into the crowds view.

We get into the ring and Dean and Phil immediately stand face to face to start an argument.

The bell rings while me and AJ stand on the apron and wait to get tagged in.

Few minutes in Dean and Phil are still fighting and Phil is laying on the ring and Dean is on the top rope and he jumps off. His leg lands extremely wrong and he screams in the massive pain running through his leg. The more I think about it...

That's the leg he broke in the car crash.

He barely crawls to my side of the ring, but when he does, he tags me in and rolls out the ring. Phil has yet to move from where he was. I take it as my advantage.

I jump onto Phil and start throwing punches at him, not caring if I break his face or anything. I didn't care, I just want to get my revenge on him for everything this bitch done to me my whole entire life.

I feel AJ pull me off of Phil and before she could lay another hand on me. I plant Dirty deeds on her. I continue on my attack on Phil. After about a minute of the attack Phil pushes me off him. I quickly get up and notice AJ still down from the Dirty Deeds

Phil attacks me again and throws multiple punches and slaps at me. I fall on the ring and hold my head to the massive pain from Phil's punches.

Few minutes later Dean is still down and the medical guys are checking on him. So that leaves me with a 2 on 1 fight. In the last few minutes Phil has pinned me about 4 or 5 times and I kicked out of all of them. He tagged in AJ for a good minute but I did Dirty Deeds to her again.

As Phil gets in the ring, I quickly check on Dean and see him getting Stretchered to the back. I sigh in frustration. Phil clotheslines me and I fall yet again. He picks me up and does the Go To Sleep to me and he pins me yet again.

1..2. And I kick out.

"Stay down damnit!!" Phil yells in frustration and gets back up.

I lean against the ropes and slowly get up. Phil walks up to me with rage in his eyes.

"Why don't you stay down!?" He yells again and slaps me.

He picks me up on his shoulders and powerbombs me and pins me.

1..2. Kick out. I can not lose to Phil. He can not look at me like a weak girl anymore.

"Just give up!!" He shouts louder.

And I get the strength...

I quickly get up and shove him down and put my submission lock on him.

(Author's Note; Violet has the same submission has Sasha Banks. The Bank Statement)

Adopted by The Viper? (REWRITTEN)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora