Chapter 6

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Next Morning

Dean's POV

After I knew that Everyone was asleep, I grabbed my jacket and slipped my shoes on. I put my phone in my pocket and walked out the bus, careful not to wake anyone up.

I walk down the dark road and go where I go every single night, The bar. You may be asking why, well let me tell you.

There was this girl, Emily, I thought she was the one. The one I'll grow old with and be with forever, until one day she went behind my back and cheated on me. I never knew who she cheated on me with. Still to this day, I sit here heart broken. I act different around Violet.

There's still more reasons why I come here every night, I don't think we should get into that right now.

I sit in a barstool while I wait for the bartender to come up. A notice someone next to me, I choose to ignore it. I ordered a shot, after shot, after shot, then I got myself a beer. I was completely wasted when I turned over and noticed the person sitting next to me was some complete stranger.

I looked down at her shirt and saw she had a Dean Ambrose shirt on.

"Holy shit!! You're Dean Ambrose!!!" She screams at me. Damn, could she be any louder?!

"Yeah, so?" I said already annoyed with her.

"You're my favorite and I was wondering if you could sign this?" She smiled.

I nodded and grabbed the pen and signed the little napkin without even looking at it. The girl started telling me about her life that I could give two fucks about, I wasn't even listening, I just sat there and was drinking down more beers.

In the middle of her story of how her dog died, at least that's what I think she was talking about, I just get up and walk out. I'm not even walking straight, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I answer it.

"Yo yo yo it's Ambrose" I said and laughed a bit.

"Dean are you drunk?!" Seth yells into the phone.

"Pfft no. Why would you think that?"

"Because you always get drunk in the middle of the night. I'm Coming to get you." He says and hangs up.

I continue to "walk", if that's even what I'm doing, down the street when I see familiar headlights and then see Seth.

"Get your ass in the car" he sounds pissed. Well then.

"Why the fuck are you pissed?" I snapped at him.

"You. You always have to make me get up in the middle of the night to come get your drunk ass from the bar." He yells

"Yea because I call you and be like 'Seth, daddy can you come get me from the bar' I don't even call you so you never have to get me!!" I yell back.

"Whatever. Just shut up" he says annoyed.

"Why you gotta be such a bitch" I yell at him again

"I'm not being a bitch Dean!! We all want Violet to have people who care about her, who she look at like we're her family. And you're not making it easy. She's on the bus crying because she found out you're out getting drunk. It brings back her past Dean. You need stop going out like this." He yells a bit.

I don't say anything back because I know he's right. He pulls the rental car in the empty parking lot by the bus and we get out without saying anything.

We walk in and before I can even see Violet I can already hear her crying. I feel like such a bitch right now.

I walk in and see Roman and Randy trying to calm Violet down. Seth is know where to be seen. I sit on the couch across from them and put my head in my hands.

I need to talk to Violet. I look at Randy and Roman giving them a look tell them to go the fuck away. They get up and walk somewhere else. I get up and sit next to Violet.

"Violet I'm so sorry I went out tonight. I had no idea that it would bring back your past." I put my arm around her.

"It's okay. I was, once again, being over dramatic." She smiles. I hug her and she hugs back. She looks so tired. She sets her head on my chest and falls asleep smiling.

Randy and Roman walk in and Smile at Violet. Still no Seth. By this point it's early in the morning and I haven't slept at all, Seth Roman and Randy slept for maybe an hour and a half. And Violet has been sleeping on and off.

We all decide to take a few hours rest then we will do what we had planned for today.

After a few hours we all woke up and Violet was sitting on the couch playing WWE 2K15. I smiled at her and sat next to her.

She was concentrating on the match she was in. She did a handicap match. Me, Roman, and Seth VS CM Punk. I started laughing at the match.

"What?" She laughs too. It's a lovely sound.

"You're mad at Punk aren't you?" I ask not taking my eyes off the screen. She's playing as Roman right now and she just hit the spear on Punk.

"Yea I am. The first part of my life I was abused by him just so my mom and dad wouldn't do anything to him." She sounded upset. I understand why. "He's just a bitch" she says in a lower tone of voice.

I hug her and she pauses the game and hugs me back. She climbs in my lap and puts her head in my neck.

"What are you thinking about shortie?" I look at her.

"Nothing." Her eyes start watering.

"You can tell me" I smile at her.

"I wanna kill Phil" she starts crying.

"I know you do babygirl" Roman and Randy walk in and we talk about how we are gonna get Phil back. Then me Violet and Randy go and head to the mall.

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