Chapter 46

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Roman's POV

I hate leaving like this but I have to for my baby.

I set yet another shirt in my bag unknowing how long I'll be gone.

Vince has approved me leaving telling me to take however long I need.

I take in a deep breath as I see a little picture set up of me and Galina at the Hall Of Fame. I take it and set it on top of my clothes and close my bag when I'm sure I don't have anything else laying around the bus.

I get off the bus and go to the gym everyone was at to tell the guys I'll be gone for a while.

I pull open the door and walk through pulling my bags in as well. I set them up where everyone's belongings were and walk around and try to locate them.

I spot Seth first. I walk up to him and he notices me. "Oh hey man." He drops his weights and looks at me. "Where have you been? You been all distant and stuff." He looks concerned.

"Uh yeah about that, I have to talk to all of you guys." I sigh not wanting to really bring up the situation.

"Oh okay. Well everyone else is over there at the vending machines getting water. They'll be back here in a minute or so." I nod not knowing what to say next.

I wait until they come back. They do come back and they all look at me. Violet immediately notices my suitcases and she looks down.

"Hey guys. I need to tell you all something and it ain't easy." I take in a deep breath before I continue. "I have to go back home for a while to take care of somethings." I look down not really ready to face anyone.

"Alright that's fine whatever you need to do man. Is everything alright?" Randy asks as I look up. Violet looks at me with hurt in her eyes.

"I'm not exactly sure yet. Violet knows. You can have her tell you guys because I don't really want to talk about it." I blink away the tears trying to fall. "But I have to go. I'll see y'all whenever." I look at them and hug them not really wanting to leave but I have to. Violet looks at me and she wraps her arms tightly around me as if it was the last time she'll see me.

"Bye Roman." She finally let's go of me. "I hope everything goes well, text me what happens." I nod at her and walk towards the front door, looking back at everyone before I walk through.

I get in the taxi waiting outside the gym to take me to the rental car place.

Violet's POV

"Is Roman okay?" Dean asks me as Roman leaves. I look back at the guys and they're all listening.

"I really don't know honestly. His wife has cancer and he's taking it real hard. I don't blame him. He's just worried about his daughter and his wife." I look down. "Roman doesn't deserve all this. He's such a good person."

Dean holds me in his arms causing me to smile lightly. "I know baby but he'll get through it." He kisses the top of my head. I love him so much. "C'mon you need to get your mind off it. Let's go train again." He unwraps his arms from me and grabs my hand and drags me to all the work out equipment


Our bus pulls up to the arena Raw was tonight. We each grab our bags filled with the needed items needed before heading inside.

We all go inside an empty lockeroom that we are all sharing and set our stuff down.

"I'm going to go get some food I'll be back here in a little bit." I tell them and head towards the door when Dean follows me.

"I'm coming, I haven't ate all day." I chuckle a bit at him rubbing his stomach. I nod in approval.

We both walk out when we realized Randy and Seth weren't coming along.

As we walk down the hallway to go to catering Dean holds my hand protectively. I smile at him.

"I gotta make sure everyone knows you're mine." He let's go of my hand and wraps his arms around me, stopping me in the middle of the hallway.

He turns me around and I back into the wall.

"Baby I'm hungry," I pout and a smile forms on his face.

He lifts his hand up to my chin, lefts my head up and kisses me, I immediately kiss him back.

"I know that's just all I wanted to do." He tells me when he pulled away. He backs up letting me get off the wall and he holds my hand yet again as we walk to catering.

As we walk in, I notice someone dangerously familiar in the corner making out with a girl. I look closer and notice who exactly it was.

Phil and AJ.

I heard people say that they were together but I never really believed it.

"Ew look." Dean laughs and points at them.

I smack his hand down so Phil doesn't see. I'm not trying to have issues with him.

"Stop Dean." I laugh myself seeing him still laughing at them two. I pull him into the dining area and we grab our food and sit down.

As soon as Dean calms down from his fit of laughter, he looks back at them, causing him to laugh again.

"I'm sure in about 20 minutes she'll be with another dude." He laughs even harder.

"Dean, chill," I look at AJ and Phil looking at the scene. I see them slowly approaching us.

Here we go.


Sorry it's a little short. I'm on a massive writers block 😩 so feel free to message me ideas or what you would like to see happen next.

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