Chapter 18

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Tuesday morning

Violet's POV

I'm laying in my bed sound asleep when I hear my phone vibrate on my bed. I peel my eyes open and grab it, I see Hunters name pop up on the screen.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Good morning Violet. We would like to see you and Dean in my office at 10:00" He said.

"Okay. We'll be there" I say and he hangs up.

I check the time and see its 9:24. Really? Only give me 30 minutes to get ready.

I get out my bed and walk over to Deans bunk.

"Deanie" I poke his cheek "wake up" he doesn't even move

"Dean!" I say a little louder not trying to wake anyone.

"Screw this" I whisper to myself. I head to the kitchen and grab 2 pans, I head back to Deans bunk and hit them together making a loud obnoxious noise.

"WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!" I scream and all 4 guys jump up at the same time.

"Oh it's about time you're awake." I say and drop the pans on the floor

"What the hell Violet" Roman groans and rubs his eyes.

"I had to get Dean up" I said and look at Dean. "We have a meeting with Hunter in 30 minutes"

He groans and gets out his bed. When we're both ready, we go Hunters office.

"Good morning Violet and Dean. Glad you can make it." Stephanie greets us and we give her a smile.

We sit in the chairs in front of their desk.

"We think that to make our storyline a little more interesting, You two should have an onscreen relationship." Hunter says.

I look at Dean to see his reaction and he's just looking down upset.

"What's the matter Dean?" Stephanie says.

"See, the thing is, is that me and Violet have had a relationship before, it just didn't work out." he says upset.

He is hot as fuck though.

"Oh well if you don't want to do that then we ca-" I cut Stephanie off.

"We'll do it" I say smiling. I look over at Dean and he's smiling too. Awe he's cute.

"Okay cool. Here's your scripts. These scripts are for Raw next week." Stephanie hands us our scripts. In the corner of my eye, I see Dean is still smiling.

We walk out and Dean looks down at me.

"Why'd you say yes?" he asks

"Because, I know you want to do this storyline." I say not looking at him.

"You wouldn't of agreed to do it if you didn't like the idea." he said "I know you Violet."

We both stop walking in the middle of the hallway.

"Okay. I do wanna do this storyline. I'd rather do this type of storyline with you then someone as ugly as like Bray Wyatt." I laugh a bit.

"I wouldn't be able to picture him in a love storyline anyway" he laughs too and pulls me into a hug.

We walk to our rental car and get into it and head to the bus.

I put my hand on the handle of the bus until Dean grabs my hand.

"I want you to know that if you ever wanna get back together, I would always say yes. Okay babygirl?" he looks serious.

I smile at him "Okay Deanie." He pulls me into a hug.

"I love you" he whispers

"I love you too" I say and open the door to see Roman, Seth, and Randy laying on the ground unconscious with the bus a complete disaster.

"What the fuck happened?!" I yell pissed that someone laid a hand on my brothers like that.

"shh it's okay. We'll found out who did this, Okay?" he calms me down.

I run to the boys and try to wake them up.

"Seth? Randy? Roman? Please wake up! Please!" I break down in tears.

I hear Dean sit next to me on the floor.

"Kiddo, please it's okay" he rubs my back.

"whoever did this, I'm gonna kick their asses!!" I yell. I look down and see Seth is moving a bit.

"Sethie?" I say weakly. He groans in pain. "Are you okay? What happened?" I ask him.

"People came in and beat us." He looks up and sees I was crying. "babygirl why are you crying?" he asks and tries to sit up but fails.

"Because I-" I get cut off when both Roman and Randy move.

"Randy? Roman?" I scoot over to them. "Are you guys okay?" I ask them.

"oww fuck!" Roman yells when he sits up. I look closer and he has a huge black eye.

"Who did this?" I say sternly. I'm beyond pissed right now.

"Big Show, Kane, J&J, and Phil." Randy sits up and holds his head.

"but why'd they go after Seth and Randy? you guys are in the authority" I said confused.

"They don't like us because we're like brothers and sister with their enemies." Seth says.

"You should turn face at the paper view and Beat Their asses" Dean says.

Randy and Seth look at each other and nod in agreement.

"Violet, why were you crying when I woke up" Seth asks me when he sees my eyes all red and puffy from crying 

"Because you guys are my brothers, if I really lost you guys then I would probably like kill myself. You're the only ones that loves and cares about me. And I really appreciate that" I said smiling.

"Awe Violet we really love you a lot." Randy says and hugs me.

I get up and change into some workout clothes. I walk passed my bed and notice that my journal isn't where I left it. I start freaking out and throwing things across the small room causing a big mess.

All the guys already have read it so they wouldn't of had taken it.

"Where is it?!?!" I scream really loud, frustrated. I look over and see all the guys all in the room

"where's what?" Dean asks me. I turn around and continue looking around.

"my journal! It disappeared!! What if someone took it?!" I say nervously

Seth, Randy, and Roman look at each other like they they're hiding something.

"You know who took it!" I say loudly at them and run up to them.

"Phil took it..." Roman said.

I immediately grab my phone and run out the bus door to go find Phil.

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