Chapter 15

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Violet's POV

I wake up to a bunch of yelling. I don't open my eyes because then they'll stop yelling.

"How could you do that Roman?!" Dean yells. What is he talking about?

"You were yelling at her last night! I couldn't just leave her alone." Roman yells back.

"I wasn't mean to her! You shouldn't be getting all cuddled up with my girlfriend!" Dean says and there's a loud bang. I couldn't help but open my eyes to see Roman held up against the wall by Dean.

No one noticed me yet so I just pretended to sleep more hoping they'll work things out.

"Hey hey hey!!!" Seth yells. I think he just walked in the room. "Cut it out!! We're all gonna go to the gym and let out our anger there. Okay? Now get ready"

I can tell everyone has left the room. I hope they don't take me with them. I am not in no mood or condition to go to a gym right now.

What feels like seconds later, I think everyone walks in.

"Are we gonna leave Violet here?" Randy asks.

"Yea. I don't think she'll wanna go anyway." Seth says.

I haven't heard a word from Dean or Roman yet. I don't know if I wanna look.

"Yea you're right. Let's go." Randy says and I hear my phone go off. "I sent her a message saying we went to the gym so she doesn't worry."

I hear them walk out. I quickly get up. I grab my phone and look through Twitter and see a bunch of drama with Seth bringing a girl last night, Emily beating me, Someone caught me getting raped and didn't help. What a bitch.

I think through everything that's happened since I've gotten adopted by these guys. They've been having troubles getting along. It's like We have arguments everyday.

I know for a fact that they weren't like that before I was here.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I need to leave. I can't stay here with these guys that always argue. I hate it and I've always had.

I sigh and find my suitcase under the bed. I grab it and find all my clothes tucked inside. I grab all my other belongings and stuff them inside. Heading towards the door, I grab a water bottle knowing it's gonna be hot outside.

I push open the bus door and head off somewhere, I just don't know where yet. I walk for a few minutes to be met with the place I thought I'd never see again.

The Adoption Center.

I definitely don't wanna go there. I walk away from that hell and continue walking around my hometown. I'm still debating rather I should tell the guys I left or just leave it.

I think it's best that I tell them. I walk into a coffee shop and pull my phone out. I open my messages app and put everyone in a group chat thinking of what I'm gonna say.

To- Dean💘 , Randy😍 , Roman👊🏼 , Seth💯

This is probably the hardest thing I have to say and do but I've decided I need to leave you guys. Ever since I got there, You've done nothing but argue, I hate when people argue. Please don't bother looking for me because I'm not gonna be there. I still love you all❤️


That's the hardest thing ever. I slowly being my finger down to the send button and press it. I feel tears run down my face.

"Excuse Me?" I turn around and face a lady with about a 6 year old boy. She sees all the tears and my eyes. Her face drops. "Oh I'm sorry is it a bad time?"

"No it's okay" I smile weekly but make it look real.

"My son is a huge fan of you. Can we have a picture and an autograph?" she smiles and I nod. The boys face lights up. That just for real made my day. "I have the sign that he brought to Raw last night in my car." She walks out to return shortly after with a bright green sign.

I autograph the sign and his mom takes a picture with me and him. I'm sure I look awful in that.

I turn back to the table and see my phone lit up with a ton of messages. Damn it was only 5 minutes.

4 messages from Roman with 3 missed calls.
6 messages from Seth with 2 missed calls.
9 messages from Randy with 5 missed calls.
8 messages from Dean with 7 missed calls


I read through the messages and I cry harder. I love these guys so much but I can't pull myself to go back to them.

I see a Shadow over me, I look up and see this older guy standing above me. I lock my phone and set it on the table

"Hey are you okay Cutie?" He sits next to me. I nod at him

"Do you need anything babe?" he says and puts his hand on my inner thigh.

"No get off of me" I pushed him off of me. He brings his head to my neck and whispers in my ear

"I want your hot ass" He kisses down my neck.

"get off bitch!!" I yell and try to push him off but he's too strong.

"You're dad won't like you resisting his bestfriend now would he?" he whispers. "Look there he is."

I look over and see my dad walking in. He smirks when he sees me.

"look at the slut sitting right there" he laughs.

'Violet, You're in the WWE, Fight!!' My mind reminds me. I gain up courage and strength and do what my mind tells me.

I push dad's friend off me and throw him into the table. Dad comes running up to me but I move out the way so he can't come in contact with me. I pretty much do Romans superman punch on him.

I look at the damage done, I should leave them before they can get up. I Grab my suitcase and my phone and leave. Walking down the street, I realize I don't have anyone I can stay with. I'm just gonna get me a small apartment.

About a week later

Dean's POV

It's been a full week. No sign of Violet; Haven't seen her and haven't heard from her. It's like she literally went missing. I miss her so much, She's the best person ever.

Ever since Violet left me and the guys haven't gotten into one fight or argument. We've been working together to try to find Violet.

We haven't left Violets hometown since she left, so the rest of WWE travelled a week without us. We just stayed here for the sake of our sister.

"I can't take it anymore! I need Violet here!! It's so boring without her. I'm gonna go out there and I'm going to find her. I'm not coming back until I find her!" I shout out of no where and I walk out the bus with the others following.

"You're not alone. We're all gonna find her!" Seth yells.

We walk through this ran down city. There's nothing here, The only thing I think this town is good for is an angel being born. That angel is my Violet.

We see a small shadow up the street. We all walk to it noticing it's a person laying on the ground. We turn the corner and see Violet laying passed out on the ground. Bloody, naked, bruised up, She looks completely broken down. Whoever did this to her, is gonna get an ass beating by all of us.

I run up to her followed by Randy and Seth. I turn around and look at Roman.

"Call 911" I tell him and he nods. My heart shatters at the sight of her. I've never cared so much for a person until Violet came. She's really changed me.

I look down at her and put my hand over her heart. There's barely a beat. I feel my eyes get all filled up with tears.

"Hey man she'll be fine. Just reassure yourself that's she'll be fine." Seth says.

We hear sirens and we all look around to find them. They finally arrive and rush to Violet, basically pushing us back.

They put her on a stretcher and put her in the ambulance. It drives away with Violet, leaving us to go to the hospital ourself.

Adopted by The Viper? (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now