Chapter 41

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Before I start I just want to say since its been a very long time since I've updated, I would read over the last few chapters so you know what's going on lol😂😘


Violet's POV

I watch as Seth opens the door so I can tell him what I need to tell him. He sits down in the chair that's located next to my bed.

"Violet, will you please just le-" I cut him off mid sentence already knowing what he's gonna say

"Seth please stop, I don't want to know what happened with you and Paige I just want to tell you what I need to tell you." He looks down at my sudden little outburst. "Look, Seth, you made me fall insanely in love with you, looking at you and Paige the other day it absolutely killed me. But it's whatever, because I'm still gonna kick Paige's ass on Sunday." Seth sighs when I say the last part.

"Can you bring Dean in here please?" I ask him knowing I'm gonna say the most to him then I have to other guys. He gets up and just leaves with no words. About 10 seconds later the love of my life walks in. He looks absolutely miserable.

I small smile forms on my face when I think at all our good times. "Dean I don't know where to even start, I know you like no one else and you know me like nobody else. I love you so much Dean and I hate knowing that I'm losing you slowly. I just want us to the way we were. But you probably don't want the same no more, after leaving the way you did and, then me being with Seth. But if you don't want the same then it's fine, just know I love you more than anything." I let out a sigh and try to keep going but Dean gets up and engulfs me in a hug. I wrap my arms around him and continue. "But I don't know if I can trust you Dean. You hurt me so bad from going to Renee. I still love you but I'm just stuck" my mind argues with me

Dean takes in every word I said and just thinks.

"I still love you too and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world and sometimes it may not seem that way but I really mean it. I thought I loved Emily but what I feel with you is so much different. I really love you Violet and nothing will  ever change that." He continues to hold me in his arms. "I wanna work for my trust back from you" he looks me in the eyes.



"Aright sweetheart, we're gonna do some training with you, okay?" I look at Dean and Roman around me.

They're preparing me for my match with Paige tonight, Stephanie just told me this morning that it's for the New Women's Title, whoever wins this match is the first holder of the new belt.

"I'm ready!" I smile and laugh with Dean and Roman.

Randy's POV

I'm preparing for my match tonight against Bray Wyatt from his attack on me the other day . He's good in the ring so I'm gonna prepare myself all day today.

Violet is doing good these last few days with her sneaking out and drinking situation. She hasn't done it once all week.

That's really the reason I am always mad at her is because of that. She'll sit there and promise she won't do it again and then she'll do it again right in front of our faces.

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