Chapter 36

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Seth's POV

I watch as Randy walks in with a water bottle. I knew he went to go talk to Dean, I wanna know what happened out there but we don't want Violet knowing what's going on right now with him.

I turn my attention back to Violet and watch as she fights to keep her eyes open.

"Baby go to sleep okay?" I peck her lips and watch her eyes settle closed, hiding her crystal blue eyes.

When I know Violet is fully asleep, I look up at Randy waiting for him explain what had happened in the hallway with Dean and he was doing the same.

"Dean really wants Violet back, like a lot. He said that he can't stand being in the same room as her, all he'll want to do is kiss her and hold her. But he can't. That's why he said that he's done trying, he's probably leaving WWE and going back to his old days." I explain to him staring at Violet. "I feel bad for Dean but Violet is mine and only mine."

Violet means so much to me, but if something ever happens and we break up, I'm not going to quit my job that I work day and night on trying to get. I won't drink and get to smoking because of it. Sure I'll be fucking devastated but I won't give up on my entire life for her.

"I tried my hardest to stop Dean from going back to that mess. I told him that doing this, is going to make this situation so much worse for Violet. She's feeling absolutely awful for making us feel like bad brothers. He needs to think how she would feel if she heard that he went back to his old days." Randy explained to me and Roman, and we nod in agreement.

Roman gets up and heads towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I simply ask him.

"Stopping my brother from making the biggest mistake he'll ever make." He walks out.

"I don't even know what to say right now." I look down at Violet sleeping.

"If more shit like this happens to Violet and we are in the hospital as much, they might have to take Violet back to the Adoption center." Randy looks down. "I'm such a bad dad." He sighs in frustration and sets his head in his hands.

"We need to tell her that we ain't playing around with her anymore. I know she's older now but we don't want to lose her which is what'll happen." I explain to him while I grab Violets hand and rub Knuckles with the my thumb.

Roman's POV

"You're not thinking about her Dean! All you're doing is thinking about yourself." I stand right in front of him trying to be face to face with him but it's difficult due to the fact that he's in a wheelchair right now.

"I am thinking about her, and I came to the conclusion that she doesn't need me, she'll be better off without me." He looks down. "Yeah, I love her a lot, more than Seth does but I'm not good for her so it's best that I leave."

"Whatever Dean, you're being the biggest bitch ever right now all you ever do is think of yourself!" I yell, my anger getting the best of me.

He looks pissed right now but he can't do anything about it and he knows it.

"Fuck off Reigns!" He shouts and goes towards the elevator and slams his fist on the button.

I sigh in pure frustration and walk back into the hotel room. I just sit there and think.

How does he love Violet as much he says he does and completely leave her like this. Is this really what's best for her?

I put my thoughts to the back of my head when I see Violet's eyes flutter open.

"Hey baby how you feeling?" Seth asks her and moves the hair out of her face.

"Ehh okay I guess." She looks down and lays her head back down on the pillow.

"What's bothering you love?" Randy asks her and looks at her and examines her face features obviously being able to tell that something is bugging her.

"Nothing." She simply states and picks her phone up off the small hospital table located to the left of her.

Violet's POV

Yeah okay, so I was awake when they were talking about Dean leaving. He can't leave. I know he cheated but still, I still care deeply about him.

I tap on the messages icon in the corner of my phone and click on Dean's name reading our last message over. It's when I broke up with him, finding out he cheated.

Violet: Dean listen, I know you think I don't care or love you anymore, but I do, please don't go to your old ways again.

I read it over before sending it, I look up at Seth, Randy, and Roman standing above me.

They've been lying about where Dean as been. So I thought I'd see what kind of brothers and boyfriend they are.

"So when do you think Dean will be here?" I ask them.

"He should be here soon love." Randy looks at me 

I give him a disapproving look.

"Why do you keep asking about Dean? You don't need him Violet!" Seth shouts at me.

I look at him confused.

"Seriously Violet stop asking about him! He doesn't care about you anymore." He leans back in his chair and goes on his phone.

I got to the point where I feel nothing anymore. I just feel worthless.

I look back down at my phone and see my phone is lit up with a text from Dean.

Dean: Violet I can't. I fucked up so bad and I can't fix it. I love you so much and I can't have you anymore. I'm not good for you anymore.

I sigh and set my phone back on my lap knowing that I just broke Dean



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