Chapter 55

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Violet's POV

I want to leave the bathroom and go back out there but I can't push myself to do it. I'm way too upset.

I stand up and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are so red, I look so... hurt, almost like I did in the adoption center. I wish I never felt this hurt or looked like this again, I was starting to believe I wouldn't feel like this again.

I wipe my eyes and look into the mirror, then I hear a knock at the door.

"Are you okay love?" Roman asks through the door.

I look down trying to think of an answer. I'm not okay but I don't want want to look weak.

"Violet?" He sounds more worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say and look down at the floor.

"I know you're lying, please come out I wanna talk to you." He takes in a deep breath as I open the door a bit and look at him with sadness in my eyes.

"Come with me I want to talk to you." He walk down the hallway and I follow slowly behind. We walk into what I'm assuming is his and Galina's room.

He sits on the bed and I sit next to him.

"What's wrong love?" He looks at me with concern in his eyes.

I look around the room thinking of words to put together.

"Um.. Well.. I don't know, I'm just hurt. I've been happy for a while and it all just gets fucked up. I know I have Dean and you still but like, you're home now and whatever Phil said or did to get Randy and Seth on his side, what if he does the same to Dean or you? I know I probably sound ridiculous right now but I can't help it, in my life everything has twists and turns and always ends up being horrible in the end." I look down and feel the tears fall down my face again. I probably look so stupid right now.

I get up and head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He asks and gets up to stop me I guess.

"I look stupid crying over people that obviously don't care about me. I just look stupid crying." I wipe my eyes and open the door.

"Violet stop and just let me talk to you about something." His says a little more serious and I stop and look at him. "Sit down." He points at the spot I was previously sitting in.

I sit back down and look at him.

"You don't look stupid crying and you're not losing me or Dean, were both here to stay forever. I've heard Dean talk about you before, and I know he's not leaving. You may not believe me but I'm being honest right now love, Dean loves you a lot and no matter what people say about you, he'll never switch up. I don't know what came over Randy or Seth but hopefully what came over them is temporary and they'll come back around." We both stand up and he gives me a long hug. "I would love to come back but I can't risk leaving and anything happening to Galina with Jojo here."

"I know and you need to stay here with them it's okay." the tears that were still on on my face absorb into Roman's shirt. I'm not crying anymore which is good.

"Are you ready to go back out there? Don't let Randy or Seth get to you kiddo, I know it's hard but just stay with Dean and it will be okay." He opens the door and we walk out.

We go into the dining area and I saw that Dean wasn't sitting there anymore, or even in the room. I noticed that's there's more people here. The Uso's, The Rock, Tamina, and more of the Samoan family.

I look around for Dean but can't find him. I look at Roman hoping he knew I was looking for him. I noticed Randy and Seth were on the couch now.

"Just let him have time to cool down. I know he was mad at what Randy and Seth said so just give him time." He tells me and walks to all the new visitors.

I take in a deep breath and sit on the couch farthest away from Randy and Seth and watch the video game they were playing, but I don't pay any attention to them. I don't look at them because I know I look like I been crying and I don't want them to see that.

I feel the couch sink next to me. I look and see Naomi looking at me, I didn't even notice she was here.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks me, we never talked to each other. I've seen her in passing and I heard she's very sweet.

I nod lightly and take a slight glance at Randy and Seth. "Yeah I'm okay." I smile lightly at her.

"But you were crying." She said a little louder than she should've. Randy and Seth's head shot up when she said that.

"Yeah but I'm fine." I said with a bit of attitude in my voice and walk away from the situation. I didn't mean to be rude with her, I'm just frustrated and I get a little mean when I'm like this. And I have barely slept, which is a big cause of this.

I walk out the front door and sit on the steps that led to the front door. I feel bad for being rude with Naomi, she was just trying to help me and make sure I was okay.

I just want my brothers back. That's it. Everything would be okay and none of this would should be happening


sorry it's short and bad but I'm having a writers block 😭

Adopted by The Viper? (REWRITTEN)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora