Chapter 29

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Violet's POV

There's been something different about Seth the last few days, he's been acting weird. He wants to follow me around everywhere, he's been extra sweet, something is up.

There was a small moment of silence before he starts speaking.

"Violet I have something to tell you." I drop the weights onto the floor and looked at him.

"I have feelings for you, I've always have but I just hadn't realized it. There's just something about you that I love. I hated every moment you were with Dean, but I was also really happy because you were happy. Now that you're single, I want a chance with you, I want to show you how a real man treats a girl because Dean can't do it. If you don't want a relationship right now then I'm willing to wait, I'll wait for you." He grabs both of my hands. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I want you to go out with me. I'll protect you from everything, and that's a promise"

I can't believe what I'm hearing from him.

"Awe Seth I already know you'll be the best boyfriend ever and that's why I'll go out with you." I smile and he immediately pulls me into a hug.

I wrap my arms tightly around him.

"I'm going to be the best boyfriend ever. I'm gonna treat you better than Dean ever could. That's a promise" I pretty much hear the smile on his face.

Awe, he's adorable!

"Another thing, I wanna take you out on the best date ever too" he looks me in the eyes." "Something you'll remember for the rest of your life" another smile forms on his face.

"Let's go." I send him a grin. "We'll go Wednesday. We don't have any shows on Wednesday."

"Wednesday is perfect."

Dean's POV

I'm going back to work tonight from being out for about a week. It'll be weird going back because of what I did to Violet. I didn't mean to do that, I was just so stressed out about my sister and I needed a drink, so I got drunk and I ran into Renee was there. I didn't mean anything by it, she'll understand it.


Raw starts in a half hour and I'm currently trying to find Violet but there's no sign of her.

"Ambrose!" I turn around and see Stephanie and Hunter walking over to me.

"We have your script in our office. Come by in about 10 minutes and I'll give it to you." Hunter tells me and I nod.

I honestly didn't give a fuck about being here right now, all I care about is talking to Violet.

"Okay I'll be there. Have you seen Violet here yet? I have to talk to her." I have a rushed tone to my voice because I need to find her.

"Yeah I saw her, I don't know exactly where she is but I have seen her." Stephanie smiles and I run off to continue my search for my love.

"Dean?" I turn fully around and see Roman. 

"Oh hey bro." I give him a quick fist bump. "Have you seen Violet?" I ask him almost immediately.

"We share a tour bus, of course I've seen her" he chuckles a bit.

"Well, where is she?" I ask him in a real bad rush because I have to get ready for my match.

"I don't know. I don't know where she is every second of every day. But I don't think she'll want to talk to you." He takes a sip of his water. "After what you did, she won't even look at you in like pictures or talk about you"

"Look, it was a mistake. I got drunk because I being too stressed, Renee was there, and things got out of hand. I need to talk to her before Raw starts" I explain to him. "I need to have her back. I made the biggest mistake ever" I sigh in frustration.

"Yeah... about that, I don't think the exact thing you want from her is what you're gonna get from her." He looks down obviously trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"Why? What did she do?" I rush him because I need to get ready, get my script, remember it, and talk to Violet all in the next 20 minutes.

I guess talking to Violet will need to wait until after my match, as much as I don't wanna wait, I have too.

I rush to Hunter's office to pick up my script. I read through it to remember my lines. I'm apparently coming out later in the show to call out the Wyatt's.

I practice my lines while I'm getting into my ring gear which isn't nothing special.

After I'm ready, I keep looking for Violet but see Randy. Good enough.

"Randy I need Violet, like now. Where is she?" I look around for her.

"I can already tell you she's not going to want talk to you and she's opening the show, the script is right in your hands!" Well, he's in a shitty mood.

"Damn what the hell crawled up your ass?!" I roll my eyes and walk away from him but get pulled back by him.

"I should've asked you the same thing when you broke my sisters heart." He whispers in my ear and pushes me away from him, and into the table.

I would take 2 minutes to kick his ass but Raw is starting and I wanna watch my princess on tv.

Violet's POV

Seth starts off raw tonight and he talks about how he's the best because he's champion. Then I come out and get with Seth on tv so the fans know we're dating. It's like, I'm almost uncomfortable doing this because I heard Dean is here tonight.

"You okay love? You seem almost out of it." Seth interrupts my thoughts by squeezing my hand.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. It's just weird because Dean's here and we're supposed to show were together tonight."

"It's okay babygirl, I wouldn't worry about it because if anyone does anything, I'll always be there for you baby."

Raw starts as soon as he says that.

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