Chapter 42

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Dean's POV

Me and Violet has gotten so much closer recently, and I really like it because I didn't realize this before Violet is really the love of my life, I thought it was Emily but I feel something different with Violet, a good kind of different.

Seth has been dying to talk to Violet for days now about his cheating issue, but Violet just won't let it happen, which is good because I can get my love back.

We arrived at the arena and see a bunch of fans already lined up to come in.

We all grab our suitcases that contained our ring gear and another set of clothes.

Violet is overly excited for tonight so she can get in the ring with Paige, she has been waiting on tonight for days now.

We stop by some of the fans and take pictures and sign autographs for them then head in.

We find a locker room and we lay our stuff down.

I head out the locker room and walk around the arena. I need to think a little bit and get my mind focused on my match tonight and about our plan on getting rid of Phil for good.

Seth's POV

I need to talk to Violet like for real, she won't let me talk to her and I have to talk to her about why I did what I did.

I'm sitting here thinking back to the day


"Seth, we can't have you in a love storyline with Violet, we're very sorry but we're having you in a love storyline with Paige" Hunter tells me the news with Stephanie attached to his side.

"Are u serious?!" I shout not happy at all with this change. "Why are you always making me do all this?! First you guys make me turn on my brothers now you're gonna make me cheat on Violet right in front of the whole world!" I yell louder and jump out of the chair I was sitting in.

"Seth, I'm sorry, it's what's best for business. You either take it or you're fired, I'll give you until Monday to decide." Stephanie gets up as well and hands me a script.

I snatch it out her hand and walk out frustrated.

I drive back to the parking lot we were parked at and go inside the bus. I throw my keys, phone, wallet, and the script all on the small counter and walk towards the back. I sigh and sit on the bed.

I need to tell this to Violet, she needs to understand this is about my career, sure she will definitely not be happy with it but WWE is what I love and I don't want to lose that.

And yes I know, I used to like Paige, I really did but Violet really got my heart now.

I zone out my thoughts when I see Paige walk in.

"Hey Seth I need to talk to you about this storyline." She sits next to me on the bed. "So Stephanie and Hunter both said that if I didn't do this storyline with you then I was fired, I really don't want to get fired so can You do this please?" She begs and looks at me in the eyes. "And it'll be even better because I've been liking you for the longest. I've just been using Violet to get closer to you." She gets quieter and quieter.

Before I could say or do anything she was already on top of me making out with me. I kept trying to push her off but she held me down.

I hear footsteps and they just suddenly stop.

"Really?!" I hear Violets clearly hurt voice and hear the footsteps again meaning she ran off.

I use all my strength and push Paige off.

"You always need to ruin everything Paige!" I scream at her and walk off to find Violet.

End of flashback

I need to explain this to Violet. Every time I try to talk to her, she just ignores me and walks away.

It hurts me worse and worse every time she does that.

I would think I would've gotten used to it but I haven't, it just hurts worse.

I sit on the couch and lay my head in my hands and I hear Roman leave, leaving me and Violet alone.

I sigh in frustration when I think of Dean and Violet getting together again.

I feel the couch sink next to me. I look up at violet knowing it's her.

"Violet please let me talk to you, I'm begging you. Just please." I ask her again.

"I'm listening," she says still not happy with the fact that I cheated on her.

"Look, I'm gonna tell you exactly what happened okay?" She nods. "Okay, so, I got called to Hunter's office and they said I couldn't have a love storyline with you and I had to have it with Paige. I tried to have the storyline with you but I wasn't allowed too. They said if I didn't have the storyline they were going to fire me. I got mad and left, they're giving me until Monday to decide. But I came back here and Paige was here and she said she wanted to talk about the storyline, then she just pulled herself on to me and didn't get off. She said she was  just trying to use you to get to me, that's why she was your "friend". Baby I'm really sorry that happened I never wanted to cheat on you. You're the most important girl in my life and I love you very very much and I don't want to lose you over this. You're far too important to me and i can't just lose you like that. Please Violet. I'm begging you to forgive me please." I look her in the eyes.

Violet's POV

I don't know if I can believe him. I see his eyes are full of sorry and sadness so I kind of believe him.

"Please just say something." He keeps looking at me making me realize I haven't said one word. "Violet please"

I sigh and look down. "I don't know Seth, I don't know" I scratch my neck and stand up. "I don't know if I should go with you or Dean, or go with anyone. I just don't know. I need some time Seth okay?" I say and head towards the door.

"Okay, I'll give you as much time as you need." He smiles at me.

I walk out the door and walk Down the halls of the arena thinking about everything.

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