Chapter 17

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Monday Night Raw

Violet's POV

I haven't seen Dean since he left yesterday in the gym. He hasn't came back to the bus at all. I need to talk to him. He has to be here, he has a match tonight and so do I.

I hang out in catering with Seth and Paige. They keep eyeing each other, I have to get them together.

"who's your match against kiddo?" Seth asks and grabs a French fry.

"uhh I think Brie." I look around seeing if Dean is in here but of course he's not. I sigh and get up. "I have to go"

I run out of catering and run around trying to look for him. I ask a bunch of people if they've seen Dean but they say no. I groan and some guy tells me my match is next.

I walk up the stares behind the stage and wait for my music to play. When it plays, I walk out and listen to the crowd cheer. They make so happy.

I slide into the ring and wait for Brie to come out. Nikki comes out with her, not surprising. Before the bell rings, Paige's music plays and she stands ringside to support me.

In the middle of the match I'm setting Brie up for my finishing move when I hear Triple H's music plays leading to the whole authority walking out with Phil. They all surround the ring and Phil climbs up on the apron to distract me and. It works, I walk up to Phil and start yelling at him.

"What are you doing out here" I yell and Brie walks behind me and rolls me up into a pin. I couldn't kick out, after the 3 count, Brie immediately slides out the ring and walks up the ramp.

The authority climb up to the apron as well and climb into the ring. They surround me. I quickly get out the ring, they think I'm escaping but I'm getting a chair. After I grab it I walk back in. I start attacking everyone and the numbers game beat me yet again.

Before I know it, By getting pedigreed, I'm laying on the mat, chair in Hunter and Phils hand. Phil raises the chair up about to hit me until a familiar music hits. I look over and see Dean attacking the authority. I smile appears on my face.

I look closer and see he has a kindo stick in his grasp. Big show climbs out of the ring and returns with the same weapon. J&J security picks me up and holds both of my arms keeping me still while Big Show hit me with that kindo stick every time Dean would do a move or hit someone with the kindo stick. He was attacking the whole authority, me being the one being punished for his actions.

He stopped when he realized what Big Show was doing so he swung the kindo stick, connecting it with his head. He attacks J&J as well causing them to let go of my arms and fall to the mat.

I back into the corner and hold my ribs where they were attacked. Dean grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug. An immediate smile forms on my face.

"I'm sorry" he whispers in my ear. We get out the ring and Deans music plays yet again. As we're walking up the ramp, Dean raises my hand up and the crowd cheers.

After we're behind the stage, he takes me to his locker room and we sit on the couch that's in there.

"I need to talk to you." is all he says.

"I'm listening." I look into his eyes and see sorry.

"I'm sorry I acted the way I did and I left like that. I was just upset. But I see your point about the brother and boyfriend. Baby girl I'm so sorry" he grabs my hand.

"it's okay Deanie." I smile. I pull him into another hug. We look at the tv and see and Stephanie Hunter just now getting up from their kindo stick beating. Hunter and Stephanie grab a microphone. They don't look so happy.

"Dean and Violet get your ass back out here right now!!!!" Hunter yells into the microphone. Me and Dean look at each other. Camera guys run in the room and put the camera on us and we look back at the TV and were on the titantron.

"Get your ass out here or you're fired!!" Stephanie said trying to sound like Vince but fails, as always.

We get up and head out the lockeroom, with the camera guys following us. We hear the crowd screaming louder the closer we got to the stage.

We walk up the stairs and walk out through the curtains. We were handed microphones

"Come to the ring guys" Stephanie says.

"Why? You wanna throw us into your little trap. You're gonna make us suffer. If we're gonna go down there, we're having our 3rd member" Dean said tapping the microphone and Romans music hits.

After we get down there we surround the ring then Stephanie says something.

"Don't wear yourself too much. You have a match Sunday at Extreme Rules. Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Violet VS all 9 members of the authority in a no Disqualification match."

I smile thinking about all the things I can do to the authority even though Hunter and Stephanie are sweet and Seth and Randy are like brothers to me. I don't like the others.

I grab the microphone from Dean and bring it to my mouth.

"that doesn't stop me beating your asses now" I say and throw the mic on the ground and slide into the ring. Stephanie and Hunter go for the attack on me until Dean and Roman came in.

They push them off of me but the other authority attack them as well. We just keep fighting back which leads them to hurting us worse. I get thrown out the ring by Phil and he comes out while I'm trying to get up. He throws me into the barricade, I groan in pain.

They finish their damage a little while later leaving us laying helplessly on the ring mat.

After we go backstage we sit in Deans locker room and talk about how we're gonna beat the authority on Sunday night.

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