Chapter 34

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Seth's POV

I push open the door of the ran down building, the smell of alcohol immediately filled my nostrils. I can't believe Violet skipped out on us for this old ass bar.

Me and the guys split up looking for her. I check the bar towards the front of the bar and locate a phone face down on the bar counter. That's safe. I look closer at the case and notice that's the same exact case we bought Violet when we first got her phone.

I turn the phone over and see the small crack in the corner of the phone just like Violets. I realized that this is Violets phone. I slide it into my pocket knowing that she's here since her phone is here.

I look at all the people, most to drunk to even stand and don't see Violet. I run into the women's bathroom to see if I'll find her. Nope.

What if she left with another guy? She left me.

I sigh in frustration and walk out the bar. I sit on the side of the road watching all the cars pass by.

I wanna know what's bothering Violet that made her come here, because somethings wrong.

I love Violet so much, more than anything, and it kills me to know that she's upset.

The faint sound of a girl screaming breaks me out of my thoughts. That almost sounds like Violet. I get up and follow the sound, it's kinda hard to do that when the screaming stopped.

I walk through the streets hoping to hear the scream again so I can help. I walk past a few buildings and hear it again.

I follow the sound again and it's behind a building I walk behind it and see Violet laying on the ground and Phil, her mom, and dad surrounded her.

I take my phone out and text in the group message consisting me, Randy, and Roman. Dean wasn't in it because he's stuck at home.

Code red! Behind that empty building down the street. Come quick.

I slid my phone back into my pocket when they continue the attack on Violet.

I run up and pull Phil off first since he was closer. I push him against the wall and punch him over and over again in the face causing him to fall to the ground and hold his face.

I turn around and see the guys already here and they're beating the shit out of her mom and dad.

I bend down to Violet and she has a cut right under her eyebrow and blood running down her face along with some makeup. Her face is all scratched and bruised up. Her clothes are torn up. Her eyes are red and puffy, one eye is starting to form a big black bruise on it.

She's barely able to keep her eyes open, I feel so bad for her, she doesn't deserve this.

I turn to Roman and Randy "call 911!" I shouted at both of them not caring which one of them called. Randy pulls his phone out first and calls

I pull my shirt off my body and put it on Violet. "Baby stay with me okay? It'll be okay." I peck her lips. Randy kneels down next to me and pulls his shirt off as well and balls it up to place on her cut above her eye to stop the building.

We hear sirens down the street from us, getting louder as it got closer. They pull up and rush out the ambulance and police cars follow.

They place Violet on a stretcher while Roman calls someone. She has a tear roll down her face as she tries to grab my hand but the dr's roll her onto the ambulance, again with police cars holding her mom dad and Phil

I feel tears of my own make paths down my face. I love Violet so much, more than anything. It's bad to say but it's like Violet is safer in the adoption center than she is with us.

I want her to be happy with us, but it's so hard to protect her, because she's always disappearing on us. I feel like she doesn't want to be with us anymore which absolutely kills me inside thinking that.

I watch as the ambulance drives off with the one I love more than life.

"Why her? What has she done to deserve this?!" Anger boils in me causing me to swing my arm and connect it to the brick wall behind me.

"I need to talk to her by ourselves. Whatever it that's bothering her, she'll tell me" Randy says when Roman approaches us.

"I called Dean and explained what happened and he wants to come to the hospital with us." He tells us and slides his phone in his pocket when he unlocks the rental car for us to get in.


I push the '3' button on the elevator watching a shade of yellow fill the button. I feel the elevator come to
life below my feet. I look around at the guys and they don't say a single word, letting the sounds from the elevator fill the small space. I look down at Dean in the wheel chair and honestly I feel bad for him, but he deserves it. He cheated and karma got him in the ass.

I walk through the doors before they're completely open and look for room 328. I see a little kids face light up at the sight of us. As much as we all love fans, we're really concerned about Violet.

"Sir?" I we all turn around and see a nurse behind a desk and we walk up to it.

"I know you're worried about Violet, but we're doing a test on her right now so she's not in there. But about that kid that saw you guys, would you mind to go sign him something and take a picture or something. His mom just died, he's only 6 and he's confused on what's going on because nobody wants to tell him right now" She explains and looks at the kid sitting in a small chair against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

I look at him and look at the boys and motion them to follow me while I walk towards the little boy.

I kneel down in front of him and a big smile forms on his face at the sight of us. Awe. He jumps up and goes straight to give me hug.

I pick him up in my arms and the nurse hands the 4 of us a sharpie and a paper to autograph for him. I sit back down in the chair and let him sit next to me.

"What's your name little man?" I ask him as I open the cap to my marker.

"Anthony" he smiles and looks at Dean as I start writing.

Dean's POV

"What happened to your leg?" Anthony asks and points to the black cast wrapped around my whole leg.

"Oh I had gotten into a car accident so I won't be wrestling for a while." I pick him up and set him in my lap, of course not on my injured leg.

"Oh. I hope your leg gets better. Can I have your autograph?" He asks in a cute 6 year old boy voice.

"Of course" I smile and autograph a paper that Seth had gave me along with a little note.

I'm so fucking mad at Seth but I need to act cool with him for the sake of Violet.

I hand Anthony the autograph and he smiles.

"My older sister is here. If I get her can we take a picture together?" He asks while all of us give him our papers containing our autographs.

"Sure thing." Randy says

Anthony runs down the hallway in assuming looking for his sister.

He comes back a few seconds later with a girl who appears to be about 14 or 15.

"Nicole can you take a picture of me and them please?" He asks while he looks up at her.

"Yeah" she says in a sad tone. I think she knows about her mom.


We walk into Violet's room and she's laying there sleeping or on some medicine.

All I can think about is Violet. I'm crazy in love with her.

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