Chapter 45

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Violet's POV

"So what's up." Dean looks at me with concern filled in his eyes.

"I love you Dean, and I want to be with you," I start, "and I thought what me and Seth had was real, but it wasn't. What I been feeling for you is different then what I feel for anybody else. This is real hard but I forgive you for going with Renee, you were just hurt, but if you back with her if we date again, I'm breaking her face." A small chuckle escapes his lips causing me to smile. "I can't lose someone as important as you again."

He gets up and walks towards me and engulfs me in a hug. "You didn't lose me if I'm right here with you."

"I thought I lost you." I said and wrapped my arms tightly around him

"You didn't baby and you're not, I'm staying right here with you and that's a promise." He plays with my hair. "I will never hurt you again, I'll never get drunk so I end up hurting you, you're mine now and that's not changing."

Randy's POV

At first, i wasn't too thrilled about Dean and Violet being together because I felt he wasn't good for her. But now I realize that Dean really needs her. I have to go talk to Seth about it.

"Seth?" I sit down next to him on the couch. He pauses the movie he was watching. "What's up?"

"Okay so if Dean and Violet were to date again, would you be mad?" I ask him.

"Well I mean, I wouldn't necessarily like it but I get it, Dean needs her but I won't get mad, why?" He asked confused.

"They're talking about getting together right now. It's good for Dean." I look at him and he nods to agree.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He assures me.

"Alright." I get up and get some food.

Violet's POV

Me and Dean are watching a movie with Seth and Randy. Dean has his arm wrapped around me.

I look around and see something is messing. "Where's Roman?" I ask and everyone shrugs. I get up and walk through the bus. I check all the bunks and still don't see him. Fuck

I head towards the very back and see him laying on the small bed, he wasn't asleep though.

I sit on the bed and look down at him and notice something I've never seen before, Roman was crying.

"Hey hey hey Roman. What's wrong?" I look at him and he doesn't move at all. "Roman." I say again. I rub his back in hopes to calm him down. But he doesn't say anything.

"Please, what's wrong?" I ask as another tear falls from his eyes. I wipe it away and he looks up at me. He grabs a tissue and wipes his eyes with it and he puts it in the pile of them on the floor. Well okay.

More tears flood his eyes, the tissues only working for a good 2 seconds.

I look in his bloodshot eyes and see mixed emotions; hurt, fear, a hint of confusion.

"Violet," his voice having a huge crack in it. "I think I need to go." He sits up a bit.

"Why, what happened?" I look at him with confusion and concern filling my eyes.

"Something happened to my wife and I need to go." More tears make paths down his face at the mention of her.

Roman's wife, Galina, is Romans world. He doesn't gets to see her very much from always being on the road, only through FaceTime and such, along with his daughter Joelle.

"Roman, tell Vince you need some time off and go take care of your family." I rub his back some more.

"It's hard to take care of something that probably can't get fixed." He sighs trying to calm himself down but fails. Him saying this leaves me absolutely confused.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened." I look down at the bed and see Galina texted him. He looks at it and takes in yet another sigh.

"Violet if I tell you please don't tell anyone out there please, I don't want it getting around to anyone." He sits up completely.

"You know I won't." I look at him ready with whatever news he's about to give me.

"She," his eyes water more at the thought of it. "She has cancer Violet and I don't know what I can do." He cries more.

My face drops and immediately wrap my arms around him.

"Roman it'll be okay I promise, she'll make through it I promise she will. And I'll always be there for you. Always. I'm so sorry." I feel tears of my own come down as well but he can't see that.

"Violet what if she doesn't make through it? What if I end up with no job because I have to watch over Joelle?" Roman asks panicking only over the negative.

"Listen to me okay?" I start and look him in the eyes. "It will be okay. Galina is a very strong girl, there's no doubt in my mind that she won't make through this. Go back home for a few weeks and just relax, spend time with her in case the worst happens. Stay positive don't think of the negative. She'll win this battle Roman." I remind him and he nods. "Just go talk to Vince about it, I'm pretty sure he'll let you take off a while."

He wraps his arms around me. "Thank you Violet. I love you so much." He tells me. "I love you too Roman."


Me, Randy, Dean, and Seth are all at the gym while Roman stayed on the bus to talk to Vince and his family.

"Where's Roman?" Dean asks me since they work out together.

"He's on the bus dealing with family issues." I tell him not telling him exactly what it was and he nods.

"Well since Roman isn't here, you're gonna be my new work out partner." He smiles at me and picks me up.

I smile back and he sets me down and we start working out together.

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