Chapter 27

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*A week later*

Violet's POV

"I just don't know what to do" I look at Randy. "I think it's best I go there and see him."

"He might just need time babygirl, you know? He seemed pretty upset" he explains to me.

"I know but he could've texted a simple 'hey' or something. I haven't heard from him in the last week." I pressed the home button of my phone checking if Dean texted. Nope. I sigh in frustration. "He doesn't even answer my phone calls"

"I don't know what to say honey, besides just waiting until he comes back or until he calls or texts you" I see sorry in his eyes.

I hear footsteps behind me and I see Seth and Roman walk in.

"How are you feeling shortie?" Roman asks me.

"Ehh. I just don't know why Dean isn't answering. I mean I know he needs space but seriously he could've checked in or something"

"Awe c'mere darling" Seth opens his arms and holds me in a hug.

I sit back on the couch and open up Instagram. I like some pictures that my fans posted to hopefully get my mind off things. I get a bunch of comments on my picture. I look and see what everyone was commenting about.

I read through an argument that these 2 people were having. One person was calling me a slut and that I was worthless, that I deserved to be in that adoption center. This other girl was sticking up for me.

I wanted to comment on it and tell the bitch off but that's just a waist of time. I look on her profile and see a picture that caught my attention. I open the picture and see a picture of Dean kissing a girl.

Hell no!

I look closer and see its Renee! I know for a fact that is not photoshopped. I feel my eyes flood in tears.

"He cheated Randy. I lost him, I lost my love." I let the tears freely fall.

"What do you mean?" He asks concerned. I dropped my phone in his lap and he looked at the picture. I see anger boil in him while he squeezes my phone controlling him from yelling, punching things, whatever he would've done.

He hands me my phone back and open the messages app and open Dean's messages.

Hope you have a nice life with Renee bitch! Nice to think I actually met something to you.

There, short and sweet. I set my phone on the small table and lay my head in Randy's lap.

"I can't believe he did that. He lied to me about his sister to go see Renee" I wipe my tears. I see Roman and Seth sitting on the floor right next to me.

"Baby Girl shh baby girl listen, I can guarantee he's not worth it" Roman rubs my arm trying to calm me down.

"He hates me and I didn't do anything. He never loved me" I try not to cry but fail.

We hear a knock on the door. Seth gets up and goes to answer it.

Seth's POV

I open the door of the bus to see my girlfriend, Jessica. Seeing her brings back memories of our small argument we had a few days earlier, it was nothing really. We haven't talked since then.

"Jess, baby, what are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Um I need to talk to you" she says a little unsure.

Damn she's breaking up with me I know it!

"Oh okay. Come in. Let's go to the back because there's people in the front." I explain to her and she nods.

We both walk through the living room where everyone was and Jess stops dead in her tracks when she sees Violet.


"Jess? Why are you here?"

"I should be asking you the same question."

Wow this is awkward.

"What's going on?" I ask both of them

"Jess is my aunt. She knew I was in the adoption center. She promised she would adopt me when she turned 21 but where were you Jess?! You left me just like that! You broke a promise." Violet says with a hurt tone to her voice. "It's been 5 years Jessica"

I look over at Jess and she just looks down. "I'm sorry" she says quietly.

"And why the hell do you expect me to just forgive you like that? Do you know much that hurt me. I was counting down the days until you turned 21. I kept waiting for you to come but you never did." Violet eyes are filled with sadness and anger.

Randy holds an arm around her to calm her down but she just pushes him off. I've never seen her so mad before.

I look back at Jess and see that her expression had changed from sadness to anger from the last time I looked at her.

"Truth is, your mom always told me you were a little bitch, I never believed her, that's why I was gonna adopted you, to give you a chance, but I'm pretty damn glad I didn't. I don't know if I could've handled your bitchy ass!" She yells at her.

I glance back at Violet and her hands are clenched in fists and her jaw is clenched as well. She's not keeping her eyes off Jess. I look closer at her and see her eyes filled with emotions and tears.

Jess smirks at Violet and she gets up fast so Randy or Roman couldn't grab her. She tackles Jess straight to the ground. Me, Randy, and Roman all run up to them to separate the 2.

I hold onto Jess and Randy holds onto Violet. Roman stands in the middle of both of them.

Randy brings Violet to the back of the bus where her bed is leaving me, Roman, and Jess alone.

"Gosh she's such a bitch!" Jess shouts while we help her up. Roman and I gave each other this look when she said that, we were both thinking the same thing.

"Jess," Roman started.

"Do not talk about Violet that way. I don't care if you're her aunt, grandma, mom, next door neighbor, I don't care. Her and our jobs are the only things we care about, so I'm not gonna let you sit around and call her a bitch. Because of that, we are going to have to ask you to leave," I finish Romans sentence.

She gets mad and walks towards the door.

"Go on, get out" I wave towards the door "don't bother coming back!" I say louder while she walks down the 2 stairs of the bus leading outside. She slams the door shut and I lock it so she won't come back inside.

Me and Roman both run to the back where Violet and Randy were.



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