Chapter 28

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Violets POV


"Don't worry about being in there sweetie" Jess starts, "because I'll be getting you out as soon as I'm 21. It may seem like a long few years but it'll just fly by babygirl"

I listen to Jess while I pack up my few belongings. I blink away a tear that was threatening to fall. I really shouldn't care about leaving my mom and dad's anyway.

All I really cared about was that the adoption center was at least decent so hopefully it wasn't going to be that bad.

"I just wish someone would love me, everyone that I get around, finds something to hate about me. I hate myself!" I let my tears fall as zip the small suitcase shut.

*End of Flashback*

I zone back into my thoughts when I hear the door open revealing Seth and Roman.

"Is she gone?" I ask them. Knowing that the bitch might be still here makes me want to go back and tackle her to the ground again.

"Yeah she's gone" Seth nods.

"So what exactly did Jess do?" Roman asked breaking the small silence.

"When my mom was putting me up for adoption, she was there. When I was packing, she came in there and promised that when she was 21 she would adopt me out of there. I was in there for years and she never came." I explained to the boys.

Seth's POV

Gosh she's beautiful! Something about her just stands out to me. I've had feelings for this girl for a long time but just didn't realize it.

I really don't know if I should tell her, or if I should tell anybody. I know she couldn't like me, considering the fact she looks at me as a brother.

I guess keeping it to myself would be good for now.

I can't help but stare at her as she speaks, those perfect lips of hers, her eyes, her everything. Damn I can't help it.

I didn't really like Jess, I was just drunk last night and there she was.

"Do you think I could get back into the WWE with you guys?" She asks.

"Yeah. Stephanie really likes you and you're fantastic in the ring so I don't see any problem with that" Randy smiles.

"I wanna get back in the ring and kick ass again" she smiles.

"We have Raw tonight and I can easily get you a match tonight if you want" I suggest to her. I can pretty much get whatever because I'm the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and you know, I'm Seth Rollins.

"You would do that for me?" She sounds surprised with my suggestion.

"Of course I would. I would do anything do you." I see the smile sneak to her face because of the words that spilt out my mouth, meaning every word.

"Yay! Thank you Seth!" She jumps up off the bed and tackles me in a hug. Damn she's adorable.

I wrap my arms tightly around her, pulling her close to me.

"You're welcome kiddo" I kiss the top of her head. I see Roman and Randy staring at me.

I want to tell them but I don't know if that's the best thing to do, they probably suspect it anyway.

"Since I most likely have a match tonight, I'm going to go to the gym," she smiles and grabs her phone and starts to head out.

"I'll meet you there in a about 10 minutes or so."

"Okay. I'll see you then!" She smiles and runs out the bus. I'm so happy that I put her in such a good mood because she's probably getting a match tonight.

I turn my attention back to Roman and Randy knowing that they are gonna say something.

"So... you and and Violet?" I watch Roman's mouth form into a grin.

"Yes. Okay, I admit it, I like her, she's like perfect in my eyes" I smile just talking or thinking about her. "I'm going to the gym. I'll see you guys later" I grab the black gym bag from the corner and head out.

"Wait Seth!" Randy stops me from walking out, I turn to face him.

"If you really like her, talk to her but I wouldn't ask her out because of the situation with Dean." He informs me. I nod in agreement.

"I'll talk to her about it." My fist collides with his in our fist bump "thanks bro. I'll be back here later"

I walk out, feeling the cool breeze as I walk through town trying to find a CrossFit. I spot it and see Violet training in there as well.

I pull the door open, making Violet look towards my way. Her face lights up when she sees me.


We do our normal workout and she still
has her ring skills. Normally people would lose it after being out of the ring for a while, but she didn't.

"You still have it. There's no way you're gonna lose your match tonight." I compliment here.

"Thank you Sethie! I wouldn't be able to be this good if I didn't have the best coach in the world" she smiles at me. As much as I hate when people call me Sethie, it's the most adorable thing ever if Violet says it.

"Have you decided who you wanted your match to be against?" I watch her drink her water down.

"I haven't fully decided. I know if I get one diva, that's not gonna be a challenge but if I go against 2 or 3 then that's a challenge." She explains it to me.

"Yeah I get it.. I love challenges too" I state.

We sit there in complete silence. I guess it's now or never.





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