Welcome to Earth🌎-17:

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~{Chapter 85}~*This chapter is set in "Season 5" about when Dreamer🌀gets sent to another *earth* by a bad guy to make it easier to finish off the "Superfriends" without their fellow team member to defeat her... and Brainy, Kara and the others were devoted to getting Nia💙back no matter where she is in the Multiverse🌌. Meanwhile, Dreamer comes out of a breached portal on *Earth🌎-17* but it's nothing like her Earth. Because of chaos💥and destruction👁‍🗨in *National🏙City* and no "Heroes" at least there used to be. How will she ever get back to her world? *(Earth-38)* to be exact without help maybe she'll meet or run into her friend's doppelgangers on this "Earth" to help her. And she does meet them after all and her sister's double as well and discovers that her doppelganger is *dead* on this earth. So, Dreamer🌀decides to stay on Earth🌎-17 a little longer to help fix this world and bring back "hope" just as any "hero" would do on any earth.
I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*Late at night🌃, in National🏙City downtown*
"Dreamer!! No!" Brainy shouted out in tears😭💦at the sight of Nia Nal, his girl vanishing before his very eyes. "Best of luck finding her... because she's not on this "earth" Another one🌎1️⃣7️⃣to be exact. But like I'd tell you where," Darci Luna said evilly for dramatic effect about to make her exit until Brainy was fueled by anger😡and rage💢for sending his girlfriend away on another Earth anywhere in the entire multiverse🌌 "alone". And he wanted the Woman to suffer for that but knew that wasn't the way! So, Brainy just knocked her out cold to take her into the *Tower* for further questions about Dreamer's whereabouts. As John flew off taking Darci to headquarters in locking her in a cell... Brainy sighed about to head to the *Tower* too. But Supergirl stopped him wanting to talk to Brainy real quick about their current situation. "Hey, Brainy, wait! I know how hard this might be for you but don't worry we'll find Dreamer and bring her home from whatever Earth she's on." Kara added comforting her friend letting him know that they'll find Nia and bring her home no matter what.
He nodded and said. "Yeah, it is hard Kara, and I appreciate the sympathy but I'm fine. So, let's just focus on finding out which Earth Nia is on and save her before it's too late," Brainy replied softly hiding his tears trying to be "strong". "Right," Kara said. Then, they flew off into the air at *super speed* heading to the *Tower* to find out a plan. "Where are you? Nia Nal," Brainy thought💭softly to himself.

*On Earth🌎-17, in National🏙City,
*4:00 p.m.*
A breach opened up on the streets of the "city" as Dreamer🌀came out landing in the middle of the street on the sidewalk "downtown".
"I don't think this is my world." Nia said softly stating the obvious of where she is. And it wasn't her home. It was another Earth! She saw a police car's sirens going off speeding by her chasing a fast getaway car that robbed the City's bank and destroyed multiple properties and there were fires everywhere and people screaming being cases by "Luthor bots" controlling the streets of *National🏙City* to keep the citizens under control ordered by "Lex Luthor" who is the Mayor and he's turned the city into a dangerous place where only villains, criminals, thieves run this town and aliens were treated poorly. But where's there is fear and pain in a dark world is an "resistance" of vigilantes to stand up for what is right when no one else will stand up but they lost that fight and war a long time ago. So, they're just hiding in plain sight trying to survive in it... all Nia saw was chaos and destruction in an world that wasn't her own seeing people scared and terrified of dying and suffering in pain without no one to protect them or save them. So, she decided to do something about it! when no anybody else wasn't because to her it felt like this Earth in "National City" didn't have a team of "heroes" to protect it. Dreamer jumped into the air and used her powers on the bots destroying them entirely with her *dream🌀blasts* to protect those who needed help or saving.
"Yes, I'm heading to the Tower, as we speak John," Earth 17 Brainy said urgently on the phone while walking downtown until he paused for a moment stopping in the middle of the street where someone was destroying the "Luthor bots". "I'll have to call you back," He added ending the call quickly at the sight of a "hero" fighting against one of the street bots when it's forbidden on this Earth to attack the security luthor bots no matter the cost. And he was just 4 blocks away from the Tower so, E-17 Brainy could easily walk didn't want her to get caught or be killed for breaking the *law* but something came over him... wanting to risk his own life for someone that he barely knew to protect them "at all costs" that was a feeling that he hasn't felt in a long time to be "selfless". Brainy quickly suited up and charged in as the bot was about to fire its proton fusion laser at her so, he immediately grabbed Dreamer out of the way without thinking and just doing. "Brainy?" Nia said in shock surprised that she ran into her boyfriend's doppelganger. "Nia Nal? No! This is impossible... you can't be here. You died!" E-17 Brainy said fearfully backing away from her in shock. Dreamer's eyes widened in shock realizing that her doppelganger on this earth must have "died" and knew that she had to explain to Brainy's doppelganger on this earth🌎1️⃣7️⃣to explain that she wasn't his Nia and just her doppelganger from *Earth-38*as she said. "Oh, I'm not the Nia that you think I am... I'm from "Earth🌎-38". She said softly in a serious voice. "Another Earth? So, you're my Nia's doppelganger but what are you doing here?" E-17 Brainy questioned in shock stating the obvious. "Earth seventeenth? Oh, so, that's what this earth is called." Nia said smiling and looking around glad that she knew the name of what world she was in. "And I'll explain everything! Including, how I've got here if you can help me get back home." She added. "Well, we shouldn't talk out in the open like this... It's not safe to be out in the streets after dark. So, please, come with me to the Tower." E-17 Brainy explained.

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