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"But mom, hear me out-"

"No Kassandra, you're not going"

"But mom, hear me out, I want to go because that way I'll be able to-"

"Kassandra! You're not going and that's the end of that!"

"But mom-" I say holding back tears



"I don't want to hear it anymore"

"But why? why can't I go?"

"Because it's not safe, I'm scared something will happen to you"

"I'm sixteen! I can take care of myself!"

"No, you're a target because of me, you're not going it's not safe Kassie, look what happened last time you went to a regular school"

"Why can't you ever just be on my side and support my dreams?" I cry "I'm always cheering you on with your dreams, but you're never on my side, you never let me follow through with anything I want" I sob

"That's not true Kas, remember when you wanted to be a dancer and I put you in dance classes?"

"Oh so the last time you can think of that you supported my dreams was when I was six? You wouldn't even go to my dance recitals anyway, you just paid for classes and had people drop me off most of the time"

"So you don't think I bust my ass off working so that I can pay for those expensive online classes, so that you can get the best high school education?"

"Is money really all you care about? I'd be glad to go to a public high school, I wouldn't care, at least I wouldn't be so miserable" I sob

Why can't she ever get me?

Suddenly I feel like a nine year old being told mom isn't coming to my dance recitals again, that would upset me a lot, and mom always tried to make me feel better with expensive toys after, but all I wanted was to see her sit in the audience next to dad and Carla, it's why I ended up quitting because I wanted to see mom be proud of me and at the moment it didn't feel like me dancing made her very happy, because she was never there for me

I'm always there for her, but she's never there for me

And I get why she's worried, but if I could defend myself at eight years old, I can defend myself at sixteen, I just want to follow my dreams and feel like a regular teenager for once in my life

I used to be obsessed with trying to make mom proud of me, but now I just need to make myself proud, I know dad and Carla have always been proud of me.

I get up from the couch and grab my purse from the coffee table before I storm out the door

"I'm going with my grandparents" I say coldly

"You can't go anywhere, it's dangerous Kasandra"

"It's just the next floor down" I mumble and slam the door

I knock on my grandparents door and they quickly answer

"Kassie what's wrong hun?" Grandma asks worried as she hugs me

"It's mom" I manage to say

"What happened baby?"

"Mom and I got into a fight, she won't let me follow my dreams, just because she's 'scared', I don't want to do online school anymore, going to in person school will benefit me so much, and I won't be so miserable, but she doesn't care about me, I know what I want, it's been on my mind for months, but she's disregarding my feelings and opinions again" I sob in grandmas arm

"I'm going to go talk to her okay Jules?"

"No grandpa, it's okay" I say wiping my tears "can I borrow your phone? I need to call dad, he said to let him know if this happened"

"Of course baby, you can borrow mine" grandma says handing me her phone "come on, take a seat" she says leading me to the couch and pulling me close while I dial dad

"Dad..." I say as soon as he picks up

"Kas? What's wrong hun? Are you okay? You sound like you're crying"

"I told mom, she doesn't want me to go" I say crying as grandma rubs my back

"It's okay baby, I'm gonna talk to her okay, I'll make sure you go, I'm gonna take the next flight out, I'll keep calling to check on you okay baby? Everything's going to be fine, I love you"

"I love you too dad"

"What do you want Taylor?" Grandpa asks answering the door as soon as I hung up

"I just need to talk to Kas"

"Give her some space"

"Kas, baby!" Mom says looking at me

"She doesn't feel well, just give her a moment, she needs space" grandpa repeats

"Kas, we need to talk "

"We can't, you never even let me speak, you think you're always right" I mutter and stand up to lock myself in the restroom, I don't have to go, I just can't see mom right now, I'm pissed

"Give her some space, you two will come around, you always do" grandma says softly

I can't hear mom say anything back, but I hear the door close when she leaves


"Hi baby" dad says sitting next to me in bed and hugging me

"Hi dad" I say slightly crying into his chest, I've missed him like crazy, mom has come looking for me in my grandparents room a few times but I've refused to talk to her "did you talk to her? Please tell me you convinced her dad, i want to go to school dad!"

"Not yet princess, I had to come see you first, but I'll be right back okay baby?"

"Okay, thanks dad!"


Taylor's POV

"Samuel, what are you doing here?"

"I need a word with you"

"You know then?" I sigh, I thought because I had taken Kas phone I'd be able to parent her like I'm allowed to, for once in my life, she can't go, it's dangerous, why can't anybody understand that

"Of course I do, Kas called me crying from your moms phone, it's not cool to not let her follow your dreams, do you remember what it was like to have all these dreams and aspirations when you were younger? And your parents walked right next to you every step of the way, if they hadn't, you wouldn't be where you are right now, that's what you have to do with Kas, she's asking for less than what you asked your parents"

"No, this is different, Kas will get picked on because off me, and it's not safe for her, she's not a regular teenager! She's not going"

"Well we have to give her some sense of normalcy, it'll be good for her!! I don't care if you agree or not, I told Kas I was here to convince you, but I'm not, I'm here to set my foot down, I'm taking her back home with me right now, that's what she wants to do, and we're respecting her decision"

"You can't take her out of the country until I speak to her."

" Well she tried speaking with you and have a civil conversation with you but you completely dismissed her, she has dreams tay, she aspires to be someone in life, she can't just follow you everywhere so you can achieve yours, you'll make her useless, she has lessons life has to teach her that she won't learn from following her mom around the world while you're on Tour, if you don't let her do this, by the time she gets to college, she won't be able to fend for herself. She's going to school wether you like it or not, because that's what Kas wants"

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