I'm gonna love you

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Once everyone is done eating and the dessert plates have been cleared away, they all head outside for some fresh air. Inside there's a crew clearing away the tables to make sure there's space to dance.

Grace has arranged for somebody to come sing for the first part of the party and then a dj will take over.
"Ok say goodnight to mommy and daddy. I'm going to take the two of you to bed." Trudy tells Cole and Zara. Both kids are very tired from all the excitement and Zara barely took a nap this afternoon, so she is getting very fussy and grumpy.

"Night night mommy. You look a princess." Cole says hugging his mom.
"Thank you sweetie. You like like a prince and you did so good today. I love you." Stevie gives him a kiss on his curly hair.
"Daddy night night."
Daniel picks him up so they can hug properly.

"Goodnight buddy. I'm so proud of you and I love you so much." Daniel nuzzles the little boy behind his ear making Cole squirm because he is extremely ticklish.
"Daddy!! Tickle!!" He cries out.
Daniel grins but releases Cole from his hug.
"Love you mommy. Love you daddy." Cole says before turning to Trudy to follow her to the cottage.

"Sweet dreams little princess." Stevie cuddles with Zara who is rubbing her eyes and isn't feeling very cuddly. She is grumpy and tired, but she also doesn't want to leave the party.
"Somebody is getting very fussy." Daniel smiles as he rubs the chubby cheeks of his daughter.
"Yeah somebody is done for today. Maybe I should go help to put her to bed." Stevie thinks out loud.

"Absolutely not. Your father and I can manage very well. You stay here, but don't start that opening dance until we are back." Trudy says taking Zara from her mothers arms.
"Come on little dramaqueen, let's get you to bed." Trudy tries to hush the fussing toddler.

Once her parents have gone to the cottage with the kids, Stevie turns to Daniel.
"Did we really get married today?" She still finds it so hard to wrap her head around it.
"We sure did wifey. We just have to consummate the marriage. Maybe we can find a spot to make that part official as well." He smirks.

"You know she's already pregnant right?" Charles, who overheard Daniel suggestion, says.
"Since when do you only have some grown up fun to get pregnant?" Daniel responds.
Charles opens his mouth to say something but closes it and looks as if he is saying: "good point"

"Just be patient babe. Besides I don't even know if you'll be able to perform after tonight." Stevie jokes. Expecting him to get pretty drunk.
"Don't worry about that. I'm not going to drink so much that I can't get it up." Daniel whispers in her ear.
"We'll see loverboy. First let's just enjoy the rest of the party. I just hope the kids will go to sleep easy." She looks into direction of the cottage.

She knows Zara can be difficult when she is this tired so she feels like maybe she should go over there to help. There's guilt brewing inside her for letting her parents deal with her kids again.
"Baby, your parents are fine. They know what to do and I bet Zara will be asleep before you know it."
Daniel reads her mind. He knows Cole will be out as soon as his head hits the pillow, but Zara might be a whole different story.

"I know, but they already had them last night and now they are dealing with them again." Stevie nibbles her lip.
"You know they don't mind. Once summer break is over they will not get as much time with them so they want to enjoy them now. Listen to your mom. It's our wedding day and you get to be Stevie right now. Tomorrow those two will be sleeping in the house again and you get to be mommy again."

He pulls her in and wraps his arms around her. Against his muscular abs he feels her little bump press against him. He seriously will have to think about his future in F1. He can't really have Stevie do everything with three kids, that's too much and he wants to be with his kids as much as possible.

Maybe he should start thinking about retiring. He loves racing, but he loves his family more. He doesn't want to miss anything of them growing up and traveling the world with three little ones might be a bit too much.

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