Look after yourself

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There's barely a dry eye in the room when they all see that tiny bundle cuddled up against Stevie. They may only be able to see a bit of Rose's dark hairs, but they can all imagine how small she is.
Daniel moves the camera so it shows a bit more of his daughters face. She is out for the count, her ear pressed against Stevie's chest where she can hear the heart beat she has been hearing for seven months.

"Oh guys she is beautiful." Peter says trying really hard to keep it together.
"I don't think I've ever seen such a small baby. How much does she weigh?" Christian asks.
"She's 1.8 kilo's, so half of what Zara was when she was born. It's a bit scary to hold her because she feels so fragile, but according to the doctor she is strong and very feisty." Stevie tells their friends and family.

"So she just didn't want to wait to meet everybody huh?" Seb is in awe, his sister has kids and he thought they were small when they were born, but compared to Rose they were giants.
"Nope, she was in a hurry." Daniel smiles.
"And she is healthy?" That's what Trudy would like to know. She is aware that premature babies can have some challenges, but she hopes her granddaughter will be spared of those.

"She is healthy. So far she has been able to breathe on her own. She is managing her temperature well which is very good. She just isn't strong enough to really drink from me, but I have been able to express some milk for her so she will get that soon." Stevie explains. She is so proud of her little girl who is already showing her personality and determination even at just a couple of hours old.

"And how are you feeling Stevie? Has it settled yet?" Melissa can tell her friend is happy, but in her eyes she can also see there's still many emotions that will have to come out at some point.
"I feel ok right now. It was a very scary and stressful night though and I don't think it has all settled yet. I feel like I'm in survival mode and once things calm down I might have a breakdown or two." Stevie smiled, very aware that she is going to need some time to process everything and to get her head wrapped around the fact that she doesn't have two more months to prepare.

"Mommy? Is that baby?" Cole suddenly comes into the screen.
"Hey sweetheart. Yeah this is your new baby sister. Her name is Rose." Stevie tells him. Seeing her son and not being able to include him and Zara here in the hospital hurts a lot. But Daniel explained to her what Marian said about the kids coming over and she understood that for now it would be too much for Rose.

"Can I come kiss?" He asks and Stevie's heart breaks. She has no idea how she will be able to be there for Cole and Zara while she knows Rose needs her to be there pretty much 24/7.
"Not yet buddy. Rose is too small now. But as soon as she is big enough you can come kiss her as much as you want." Daniel tells him, realizing how torn Stevie will feel now.

"Mommy and daddy you come home now?" Cole asks them and now they both feel like the worst parents, knowing they can't be at two places at the same time and also very aware that Rose will probably have to stay here for quite a while.
"Not yet. Grandpa and grandma will be with you as well as Tina. And hopefully you and Zara can come see us in the hospital tomorrow."

They will just have to go down to the restaurant to have some time with Cole and Zara. But Stevie also knows she wouldn't feel comfortable leaving Rose for too long. So she has no idea how, but somehow she will have to make it work.

She can see Cole pout when he realizes his parents aren't coming home yet and his new baby sister is going to take all of their attention.
"I'm sorry Cole. I promise as soon as it's ok for Rose to come home we will all be together again." Stevie hopes she will somehow be able to make it up to him and Zara. Although the little girl doesn't seem to bothered. She is sitting with Seb and she is grabbing his nose. She doesn't even notice her parents on the phone.

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