One more push

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"I can't believe this is happening. What if we can't catch a flight?" Trudy is frantically packing a suitcase for what will probably turn out to be a long stay in the United States.
"We will. I'll charter a private jet if I have to. But we are going to get there." Peter is shoving toiletries in his suitcase. Not really bothered by taking too much. They can buy whatever they forget when they get there.

"Should we go get some of the baby clothes at Stevie's place for when the baby is born?" Trudy thinks out loud.
"The baby is going to be tiny. The clothes Stevie has won't fit. We will buy some when we know what size the little one is going to need." Peter says.

Even though all he wants to do is see his daughter and find out if her and the baby are ok. He somehow managed to keep his head straight, he's just focused on getting packed, then get to the airport and find a flight to Austin. If he keeps his mind on the task ahead it will prevent him from freaking out.

He has no knowledge about premature babies. He doesn't know what challenges their new grandchild will face if she is born. He knows Daniel and Stevie think they are having a boy, but his mind is set on a girl.

"God I hope she doesn't give birth yet. Every day the baby stays in the womb longer is a win." Trudy closes her suitcase and opens the safe to grab their passports.
About fifteen minutes later aunt Carol stops in front of the house to take them to the airport. They don't know how long they will be there and leaving their own car at the airport carpark will be very expensive.

"Any updates?" Carol asks them when they get in.
"Not yet. I'm sure if anything changes we will hear it. Or not, I'm sure they have more important things on their minds then to keep us updated." Trudy tells her sister.
"Yeah I guess. Well let's get you to the airport. Maybe you can find a flight online to save time?"

That's a good idea so Peter immediately starts to look for the first flight to Austin.
Eventually he decides to call some airlines to see what they can do.
He manages to get two first class tickets on a flight to Austin with American Airlines and that flight will leave in two and a half hours.

After explaining the situation they send him a link over email so he can check in online. Now all they have to do when they get there is get their luggage checked in and board the plane.
He sends a quick text to Daniel to let him know they will be there in about twelve hours.

He also decides to rent a car so once they arrive there they will just have to pick it up and head straight to the hospital, or the Airbnb depending on where they are needed most. They both agreed they will help where they can and if that means they won't be at the hospital then that's what it is.

Just before they have to turn their phones off they get a text back from Daniel.
"See you soon, contractions started, four cm dilated."
"Well this baby might be born by the time we get there I'm afraid. I truly hope he or she will be ok." Trudy would say a little prayer if she was religious.

In Austin Stevie is breathing away a contraction. They aren't very strong, but the doctors did decide they wouldn't try to stop labor. They would have if her waters hadn't broken yet, but now they feel it's better to let the baby be born.

"Is it over baby?" Daniel asks her as he wipes a strand of damp hair from her forehead.
She nods, the contractions are mild and not very close together, but she knows things are getting real and she knows their baby will be born somewhere during the night or tomorrow. So far they have been monitoring the heartbeat and their baby isn't showing any signs of distress so the doctors feel comfortable to let her body do the work.

Melissa had been over really short to bring some stuff over like their toiletries and some comfortable clothes. So Stevie is now wearing a spaghetti top and Daniel has changed into a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt.

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