There's alwsys that one person

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"Stephanie how far along are you?"
"Stephanie were you trying to get pregnant?"
"Daniel aren't you afraid she got pregnant to get to your money?"
The questions are being fired at Daniel and Stevie as they arrive at the track in Zandvoort. The place where they first met last year and now arrive as married couple with a baby on the way.

During the summer break they of course announced the pregnancy on Daniel's social media, but they hoped after these weeks the news would have lost its relevance. Now they are here, it is obvious it hasn't.

"Stephanie did you get pregnant to make sure Daniel would have to either stay with you or pay child support?" Again somebody is asking about any ulterior motives to why Stevie is pregnant.
"Don't answer anything. Just keep going." Charlotte who arrived with the couple says, so they just keep their heads up and scan their passes to get inside the paddock.

Daniel's hand is squeezing Stevie's, which tells her he is fuming. To be fair, she is pretty mad as well, it's unbelievable that people would think she would ever do something like that.
"Why do they say things like that? How could they think I would do that?" Stevie asks a bit distraught.
"Because they are vultures who just want to get something to write about." Daniel answers as they walk into the Red Bull hospitality.

"You know that's not what I'm doing right? You know I love you for you and I didn't get pregnant on purpose?" Stevie is worried that these people will get into his head and he will doubt her feelings for him.

Daniel quickly pulls her in his arms, her bump pressing against him. It has grown quite a bit since the wedding and it's obvious for everybody that she is definitely pregnant.
"Baby I know. I have no doubts whatsoever that you are with me because you love me. Don't worry, I would never believe the shit they say."

"I can already guess what they will say when they find out we're married. I'm sure the first thing they will ask you is if you made me sign a prenup." Stevie rests her cheek against Daniel's chest, relieved that he believes her, but still upset about the negative opinions the press and probably a lot of fans will have about her.

"Well with the money you make here you would almost have to ask me for a prenup." He jokes.
He didn't ask for a prenup, it would make absolutely no sense to him to ask his wife and mother of his kids, to sign a contract that would leave her with nothing but her own money in the very unlikely event of them getting a divorce.

"Well you never know. I might run off with a younger guy once we are married for a year." It's just a joke, but Daniel does feel a tiny bit of jealousy thinking about Stevie with somebody else.
"I sure hope you won't." He says looking down at her.
"Of course I won't. You'll never have to worry about that. You're mine for the rest of your life and I'm yours."

They decide to take a short moment for themselves before Daniel has to go and get all his media duties for the day done. He knows there will be questions about the baby, but he instructed Charlotte to let the media know he will answer questions about the upcoming race. Not his private matters.

In his driver room Stevie flops down on the small couch they put in there. It gives Daniel the opportunity to just unwind a bit between sessions or before media.
As soon as she sits down she can feel the baby inside her move and kick. It's not just fluttering anymore. It's more like light thumps, at the moment it's all fine, but she knows once this baby is growing it will kick her so hard she'll be able to see it on the outside.

She puts her hand on her bump where she feels the kicks and it seems as if she can feel it on the outside as well. She's just not sure because she feels the kicks anyways and it's hard to determine where she feels them.
"Babe, put your hand here. I might be wrong, but I think you can feel it."

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