Isn't she lovely?

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"I want to see my daughter. Can somebody please take me to her?" Stevie says, slowly sitting up.
"Sure I can, but you gave birth half an hour ago, are you sure you don't want to rest a bit before getting up?" Patty asks. She has helped Stevie clean up. Luckily she didn't need any stitches and the placenta came out perfectly fine as well.

"I don't need more time. I just want to see my baby. Please Patty I've only seen her for thirty seconds. She needs me." Stevie pleads. Her entire being is screaming that she needs to be with her child, it doesn't matter that she's exhausted and that she still has some post partum contractions. There's a tiny little girl somewhere in this hospital and that little girl is her daughter. She needs to be with her daughter.

"Ok hun, but you're going in a wheelchair." Patty tells her.
Stevie nods. She doesn't care how she gets there, as long as she does. Also she doesn't really feel like she has the strength to walk, so that wheelchair doesn't sound too bad.
Patty has helped her into a pair of large panties with a massive pad to help absorb the blood that she will lose.

She decided to put on one of Daniel's sweatpants because they are more comfortable right now.
As she slowly gets off the bed she feels a bit wobbly at first. She puts her hand on her belly where she still has a bump as her stomach will need some time to bounce back. It's strange to put her hand on her bump realizing there no baby growing in there anymore.

She fights back her tears, it's been such a rollercoaster of emotions she went through since her waters broke in the Red Bull hospitality. She has felt pure terror, she felt happiness to hear her baby was ok and now she is just worried about her daughter and she really wants to see her to make sure she really is ok.

Patty comes in with a wheelchair and Stevie carefully lowers herself into it, wincing a bit when she sits down.
"Are you ready to see your beautiful girl?" Patty asks and Stevie nods sitting up a bit more. She feels excitement bubbling up, there's also still nerves, she didn't really get to see her baby, but she did feel her tiny body. Now she is nervous to see how small she really is.

Patty wheels her through the door and into the hallway. There's some other couples walking around who all smile and nod at her. Everybody here is in the same boat as Stevie and Daniel are.
"The SCU is just down the hall here so she's not that far away. Also if she stays stabile we will be able to put her in your room with her incubator." Patty tells her.

Stevie looks up at the smiling nurse.
"Really? She can stay with me?" That would be amazing. That way she could be with her baby the entire time.
"Yes, in the end we always want the parents to do most of the care. Of course any medical procedures we will do, but when it comes to regular care like her feeds and diapers, that will be you and Daniel."

Hearing this fills Stevie with so much relief. She thought she would only be watching her daughter through a plastic box. But now she learns that she will be able to take care of her baby by herself which is all she really wants. She hates the idea of strangers doing the things she is very capable of doing. It's her baby and she feels the primal urge to protect her and be close to her.

With Cole and Zara it was a bit different. Of course she was mama bear with them, but she had them with her from the moment they were born, she just had Barbara there for the birth and afterwards her mom helped out a bit.

With Rose she already feels robbed from those first moments with her even though it was for their daughters best interest.
If she will be able to have her in her room, it feels like she can make up for those first lost moments.

Patty pushes her through a door and Stevie spots Daniel standing next to an incubator. He looks up and as soon as he sees his wife he rushes over to her.
She can see the dried up tears on his face, the dark bags under his eyes, but also the intense love he feels for his little girl.

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