Bittersweet goodbye

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Stevie is waiting in the hospital lobby for her parents to come and bring Cole and Zara so they can meet their new baby sister.
Somehow she feels a bit nervous for this moment. What if Cole and Zara don't like Rose? Maybe they are jealous because Rose kept their parents from them for so long.

Zara won't really understand, but Cole will. Luckily he has been able to travel with Daniel to the races, at least he was able to spend a lot of time with his dad. But Zara has been with her grandparents mostly and that causes some anxiety with Stevie for how she will react to Rose.

She is squeezing her hands as she sees her parents walk through the door of the hospital. Zara being carried by Peter and Cole running ahead to greet his mother.

"Mommy! We go see baby now?" He asks her.
"Yeah you are. Are you excited?" Stevie picks her son up to give him a proper cuddle.
"Yeah, I have present for Rose." He says showing her a rolled up piece of paper.
"Did you make a drawing for her? That's so sweet of you."
She gives him a loving kiss on his curly hair before turning to her parents.

"They can only stay for about half an hour. Do you guys mind waiting?"
Her dad shakes his head.
"Of course not. We're just happy the five of you can have some time together. We will be here having some coffee and maybe a slice of that delicious cheesecake they have here."

Trudy looks at her husband, shaking her head.
"Maybe you shouldn't eat so much cheesecake. You have to be careful with your heart..."
"Oh stop! My heart is fine." Peter grumbles. Trudy has a point, it's not like he hasn't gained a little bit of weight since they arrived in Austin, but the food here is just really good and the portions are huge. It will be an adjustment when they go back home and go back to their normal plates of food. He's going to be starving.

"Listen to mom. We don't need another experience like that one time." Stevie says taking Zara from her dad.
"Are you ready to see your baby sister?"
"Mama! Bibi." Zara answers.
"Yeah let's go see the baby." Stevie takes Cole's hand and she smiles at her parents.

"Have fun and be good." Trudy tells the kids before they make their way to the hospital cafe.
Stevie takes the kids into the elevator and up to the floor they are staying.

"Mommy, I hold baby Rose?" Cole asks her.
"Not yet sweetheart. But when she comes home with us you can hold her ok?"
Cole nods, he loves Zara and now he is finally going to see his new sister. After being away with Daniel to the races he isn't really that jealous anymore. He just had a couple of amazing weeks with just his dad and grandparents which made him feel very special.

He didn't have to share his dad with any of his sisters. He just missed his mom, but now it seems they will be able to spend more time together. So he's very excited about that.

Only a short moment later the three of them walk into the room where Daniel is sitting with Rose in his arms.
Cole immediately lets go of Stevie's hand and slowly tiptoes to his dad and new sister.
Stevie decides to wait with Zara and give Cole a moment to meet Rose first.

"Hey buddy, this is Rose. Rose, this is your big brother Cole." Daniel introduces his oldest and youngest to each other.
Cole stands in front of him, staring at that tiny baby in his fathers arms. He has seen so many pictures and videos, but seeing her in real life is different.

"Hi Rose. I have drawing for you." He says holding up his rolled up artwork.
"She is going to love it buddy. She's just a bit sleepy now, but we will hang it right above her cot is that ok?" Daniel smiles at his son who seems completely captivated by Rose.

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