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Hi guys. This will be the last chapter of this story. I absolutely loved writing it. And I loved all the likes and comments. I will be starting a new story, I don't know when I'll post the first chapter, but I'll try to get a move on 😉. Then I'm also thinking about writing a sequel of this story about Cole if anybody would like to read that of course.
I have some people to thank, of course everybody who took the time and effort to read, vote and leave comments. Those votes and comments are really important to me.

Then I want to thank my dear friend AlwaysSeb I couldn't have done this without her support. And some great ideas I was able to use to get me going again if I was stuck. Then Tina3693 I love you. Thanks for always supporting me. You're the best. dannyricbitch I'm always excited to see you commented.

I'll try to make this final chapter another great one! Hope to see you guys again in my next story 'Unchained Melodies'


Four years later

"Cole could you help me put the bags in the car so your mom can help your little brother get his shoes on?" Daniel calls for his almost nine year old son.
"Ok daddy. Zara can help too." Cole goes to the kitchen where he finds both his sisters having a glass of water.

"Zara, Rose, come help me and daddy. You can carry your own bags." Cole tells his sisters.
"Oh ok. Come on Rose." Zara, who is now seven takes her little sisters hand so they can go get their backpacks for the long flight to Perth.

The only thing that tells you Rose and Zara aren't twins is they fact that Rose's hair is one shade lighter than Zara's ebony hair. Besides that they are almost identical. Except Rose is smaller of course. They are both an almost exact copy of their mother, Cole looks more like Daniel every day even though they don't share DNA. Nobody would ever doubt that Daniel is Cole's father.

They have the same outgoing personality, the same wide grin and they both love to prank Stevie or the girls. Zara can be a bit of a drama queen when her big brother decides to pull another prank. Rose is a lot calmer. She's very gentle and a bit quiet even. Not that Stevie and Daniel mind, Zara and Cole make enough noise for all of them.

Stevie comes down carrying the newest addition to the family. Their son Jack is now eighteen months and the little brother Cole wanted so badly. With his black curls and his fathers brown eyes, Jack is a handsome little boy. He loves everything fast just like Cole, but he is not as hyper active as Cole.

Daniel comes back inside after putting the last bags in the car. They are all packed and ready for the big move to Perth. Peter and Trudy will follow them in a couple of weeks to move into the cottage on the property.

Stevie was finally ready to leave the UK behind her and even though she will miss everything and everybody, she also feels now is the right time.
She wants to write cookbooks and fill them with recipes for dishes which are created with real Australian ingredients.
The last couple of years she wrote two cookbooks in the UK, but now she wants to explore what she can do in Australia.

The kids are excited to move, of course they will have to adjust to a new school and make new friends, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Grace and Joe are also thrilled to have them live closer. Of course there has been a lot of traveling so it will be nice to settle down there.

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