Not ready

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"What? No that's not possible, you still have two months to go. Are you sure it's your waters and not.... pee?" Daniel asks with a hint of panic in his voice.
She must be mistaken, their baby can't be born yet, she's 32 weeks pregnant, she has eight more weeks to go.

Stevie shakes her head, panic obvious in her eyes. Her breathing is shallow and fast as she is fighting the fear that is starting to wash over her.
"I know what it feels like when my waters break and they just did."
Her voice cracks when she realizes what this means. It means that their baby will be born way too early, not a week early but two months.

She's afraid to move, she's afraid to walk. She's terrified that this baby will just come out even though she doesn't have any contractions, but in her mind the baby is so small it can just fall out. If she could think rationally she would know that won't happen, but she can't think rational now.

She looks at her husband, trying to find some comfort in his eyes. She needs his confidence. She needs to say that it will be ok. But all she sees in his eyes is the same panic that she is feeling.
"Daniel, I'm scared." Her voice is barely loud enough to be heard over the chatter around her.

Nobody has noticed anything. Nobody has seen the terror in Stevie's eyes. And nobody is taking charge on what to do now. Stevie and Daniel aren't able to, they are both in absolute shock, so they need somebody to help them.

That somebody is Seb who sees the napkin on the floor. Ever the environmentalist he is, he doesn't like trash laying around so he picks it up.
"I think you dropped this." He wants to give the napkin back to Stevie but then sees all color has drained from her face.

"Stevie? You ok?" He asks. He looks at Daniel who has the exact same expression and about the same skin tone.
"Guys? What is going on?" He asks again, now getting nervous.
"What is it sunshine?" Melissa hears him and she hears how his voice is sounding a bit stressed.

"I don't know. Something is wrong but I don't know what."
Melissa looks at Stevie and nudges her arm. This is enough to snap Stevie out of her state of shock.
She turns her head to face Melissa who is taken back by the frantic expression in Stevie's eyes.

"Steevs you're scaring me. What is going on?" She takes Stevie's hand and rubs her skin.
"My waters.... They broke."
Stevie looks down at the floor where more drops of her amniotic fluid have collected.
"What?! Fuck! Christian!" Melissa immediately springs into action.

The team boss comes over, he heard the urgency in Melissa's voice so he knows it's serious.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"Stevie's water have broken. We need to get her to hospital as soon as possible." Melissa tells him.
Christian gently takes Stevie's chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him.

"Is that true? Did they break?"
Stevie nods. Tears trickling down her face.
"Ok, we are going to make the helicopter take you to hospital. Daniel, grab her bags, Seb can take your things."
With Christian taking control, both Stevie and Daniel only need to follow his orders.
Before Daniel can get Stevie's bags, Melissa already ran to the locker where Stevie's bag is in.

She runs back and hands it to Daniel who is finally able to pull himself together. Even though fear has filled every cell of his body, Stevie needs him right now and Christian stepping up made him realize that.

"Baby are you in pain? Do you have any contractions?" He asks her. Glad that his head has cleared up again.
Stevie shakes her head again.
"No, but I can feel it leaking out of me. Oh god!" She sobs.
"It's ok, come on let's give you a pad to absorb it. Then you and Daniel go with Christian to the helicopter and they will take you to hospital to see what exactly is going on. I know it's scary, but you're not having contractions, so maybe they can do something to keep this baby inside a bit longer."

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