Your younger than him (Mikey)

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You were over at Michael's house with him. Michael and you were both watching Forrest Gump together. It was what he suggested to watch. While watching the movie you both heard the door bell ring.

"I'll get it babe." Michael said and then he got up.

"Okay." You said with a smile. He walked up to the door to open it. It was his mom, Karen.

"Hey mum." He said and then hugged him. You watched this and smiled.

"Hi Michael." Karen said and then she looked of at you. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Who is this?" She asked. You got up and walked towards Michael and stood next to him.

"I'm Y/N." You said with a smile. Karen looked between you and Michael. You knew something was something that she didn't like, but you couldn't pin point what.

"I'm Karen, Michael she looks very young for nineteen." Karen said.

"She's not nineteen, she is sixteen." Michael said.

"SIXTEEN? MICHAEL WHY ARE YOU DATING A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD." Karen yelled, which made you look down. You've always have felt bad because of your age.

"Mum, I love her! I don't care how old she is, we both love each other." He said, with a bit of anger.

"I'm going to talk to you later Michael when you're in your right mind." Karen said and walked out the door. Michael closed the door and you began to tear up. Michael wrapped his arms around you.

"Maybe I am too y-" You began to say, but Michael interrupted you.

"Don't say that babe. Maybe there is people that think, but I am in love with you." Michael said. "I don't think that your too young for me, so don't care what others think." A smile appeared on your face and you nodded.

"I won't." You said and then he kissed you and you kissed him back.

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