Lucky fan (Ashton)

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You were nervous, excited, scared, worried, terrified. Lets say you feeling all types of ways when you stepped Into a room were 4 boys stood,waiting for you.

"Is this the Lucky fan?" Calum asked looking you up and down before looking away to give his full attention to the bodyguard that brought you in.

"Yes indeed, may I leave now?" The bodyguard asked stepping away from you.

"You may." A raspy voice says making your head snap to the direction it came from to make eye contact with the one and only, Ashton Irwin.

You stood there with your hands in the back of your jean pockets, looking down at the ground.

You couldn't believe that you won the contest, out of all of the fans, why you?at one moment you literally forgot all about the contest.. But all memories came flying back when you got a call about a week ago.

"What's your name? " Michael asked making goosebumps form on your uncovered arms.


"Beautiful" Ashton mumbles under his breath making your heart skip a beat.

"T-thank you", you stuttered removing your hands from your pockets leaving it on your sides.

"Do you have a favorite y/n?" Luke asked raising his pierced eyebrow.

You looked away letting your eyes trace the white walls. You didn't know what to say or do.

"You don't have to be scared." One of them said.

"Ashton" you mummbled still staring out into space. Honestly you liked all of the boys equally an Ashton just randomly came out of your mouth. Well that's what you tell yourself... You know he's your favorite.

You heard a low chuckle in your ear, you looked to your left locking eyes with Ashton. He was so close to you.. Sending chills up and down your spine.

"Aren't you a lucky fan, y/n" he smiles pulling you closer to him by the waist. "Maybe you can be more than a fan.."

He leaned in kissing you on the lips.

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