How you got his attention Part 2 (Luke)

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The hair on your arms stood, as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Since you were only going to the Burger Joint you went with something casual but cute. You snuck into your parents room, to spray this perfume that smelt so good that your mom has that she had gotten from Bath and Body works. Your hair was half way up and the rest down.

"Are you ready? Cause we were suppose to meet them right after school."

"Shhh I don't want to seem desperate and I want to look nice for him, smell nice for him."

"I don't know why your doing all of this when he liked you when you looked a hot mess."

"I don't know, I just don't want him to change his mind about me. About him liking me. I mean he could have any girl in the school, so it's a privilege that he even noticed me. That he took the chance to come up and talk to me. I would have never had the guts to do that."

"Okay, okay I didn't want to hear your whole life story- she looks down at her phone- It's 5:45, you have 5 minutes to get out the house before I drag you."

You laughed rolling your eyes at her. You unplugged your phone from the charger that was plugged into the wall.

You looked at yourself in the mirror one more time, before walking out your room door and out to the car.

"Just play it cool and be you." She assures you as she sits in the driver seat and you slide into passengers


The Burger Joint is the place were if your a somebody  you come here and hang out. Your not an anyone, but that's slowly going to change.

"Are you sure we should go in there? There's to many white people, I don't see any blacks up in there." Dezarae groaned looking out the car window.

"Dezarae it's not the 1950s, people don't discriminate anymore around here." You reassured her, unbuckling your seat belt. "But I do feel like an outcast, i mean look Harry styles and Niall Horan hangs around here."

You took in a deep breath, finally opening the car door. Dezarae followed closely behind you as you made your way past the somebody's. Through the glass windows of the joint you could see Luke leaning over slightly, as he held on to the pool stick, biceps flexing. You almost peed in your pants at the sight of him.

"Um I'll be back." Dezarae tells you but you shooed her off walking as slowly as you can towards Luke.

Your guessing the boys had made a joke because now he was laughing displaying his dimples.

Ashton had noticed you first, immediately tapping Luke shoulder with a smirk and pointing at you.

Luke head moved the direction his friend hand was pointed at till your eyes locked with his blue eyes.
He dropped the stick he was holding walking to you.


"I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't show." He laughed giving you a welcoming bear hug.

"A girl gotta look her best." You blushed.

He smiled, running his fingers through his quiff. "Are you hungry?"

"Duhhh" you laughed racing him to an empty booth and of course he beat you because of his long legs that's were covered with dark skinny jeans.

"You want to share a milkshake?" He asked sitting down the menu after looking at it for a while.

Your body stiffens. He wants to share a milkshake with me. What if I drink it all? What if I backwash? What if-

Your thoughts were cutt off by Luke. "We don't have to  s-share if don't want to, I could order my own-"

"It's fine Luke." You laughed sitting down your menu. "What flavor?"

"Chocolate, of course."he chuckled moving to the other side of the table where you were, scooting close to you.

You turned your head to face him, "Chocolate it is." He smirked kissing you on your cheek.

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