Lucky fan (Calum)

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"Move out the way!" A girl said pushing you down in the street. Making you twist your ankle during the process of falling.

"Really!" You shouted at the girl, trying to get up.

5sos was in your town tonight and tomorrow and let's just say it was chaos. The fan girls were going crazy, running up and down the street to get a glimpse of them.

You wanted to see them too but it's been 3 hours and there's still no sign of the boys. You sat up, dusting your jeans off.

You were pissed off at the girl that pushed you down like calm down. They have a concert tomorrow so the girl will eventually see them. You stood up from the ground, limping out of the street.

"Mom can you pick me up?" You said in the phone once she answered. You were siting down on the edge of the sidewalk with your legs stretched out. You would have walked home cause it's really not that far from were your at but it's too late and you've seen to many lifetime movies to do it.

As you were explaining to your mom what had happen you didn't notice the boy that sitting beside you that was out of breath.

"Just come pick me up Mom" you pleaded. "Thanks, bye"

You hung up, sliding your phone into your pocket. Sighting you looked up at the beautiful sky lit up by the stars.

"Long day?" The boy asked. You glanced at him looking back up at the night sky.

"You can say that" you chuckled. "You?"


The boy voice oddly sounded familiar but no one came in mind.

"What's your name?" The boy was obviously trying to start a conversation so you gave him your full attention. Turning your whole body to face him, sitting criss-crossed so your legs wouldn't be on his.
He was wearing a blue hoodie, with shades.

"Y/n" you answered him, wondering why he looked kind of familiar.

"Beautiful name. If you mind me asking, why are you out here alone?"

"I was actually with a group of girls. 5sos is in town, 5sos is 5 seconds of summer if you didn't know. I wanted to meet every single one of them but it ended badly when I got pushed by one of the girls." You informed. "Who knows? They probably found them already."

"Your a fan" he chuckled making your head snap.

"Yes. Do you have a problem? If your going to talk bad about them an call them gay, please go." You groaned, turning away from him. You saw your mom car down the street so you stood back up from the ground and the boy did too.

"Wait.. I'm not judging them, I mean why would I judge my own ban-"

"OMG!!! CALUM HOOD IS OVER THERE" a girl not so far way screamed. Your eyes grew big, staring at the boy.

"Please.. Please help me" he pleaded.

You nodded your head, grabbing his hand,running towards your mom car.

"Didn't I tell you y/n. I don't give rides!!!" Your mom bickered putting the car back in drive.

You ignored her. Slowly reaching over to remove the shades from the boy eyes.

"I knew it, deep down inside I knew you sounded so familiar. I can't believe it's you", You smiled.

"Yeah.. Um thanks for helping me."

"Anytime. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't feel like I needed too. But thank you."

"Your welcome." You smiled.

After he told your mom were to go,you two got to know each other. At the end of it all you ended up with a new contact saved in your phone.

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