Candy you two share (Michael)

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"Violet Crumble" you cringed eyeing the candy bar.

"It's not as bad as it sounds babe. Please try it!!", Michael whined taking it out of the wrapper, splitting in half for the both of you share.

"Babe I asked you to buy me a Baby Ruth not this" you said watching Michael eat his piece.

"Just try it"

At first you were skeptical about the Australian treat but you were willing to try it for the sake of your boyfriend Michael.

It had a layer of Milk chocolate and a honeycomb center. It tastes weird and was hard to get used to but you swallowed it and received a smile from Michael. Since he couldn't take you to Australia because you are both busy, he bought you it to give you a part of him that you wouldn't be able to see or taste :)

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