Album you two like (Calum)

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It took a while for you two to listen to the album with out it being awkward but now there's nothing awkward about it. It actually puts Calum in the Mood.

You were sitting on the couch, watching Teen Wolf when a naked Calum stands in front of you blocking out the Tv.

"What the hell Calum? Move out the way!!" You yelled trying to look at the Tv, not paying attention to him. You didn't even notice he was naked, that's how interesting the Tv show was.

"Baby" he whispers pointing down at his Manhood. "I need you, like right now!!"

"Go away Cal, I'm trying to watch my show.."

"It's recorded, you can watch it tomorrow!!" He whines, sticking out his lip. You rolled your eyes, turning the Tv off.

"Are you happy?" You groan, grabbing Calum hand, leading him to your shared room.

"Yes indeed." He says in a raspy voice, making sure you heard him by saying it in your ear. When you two made it to the room, TheWeeknd, Trilogy, album was blasting and Cal didn't hesitate to strip you down.

You already know what happened :)

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