How you met (Ashton)

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lt was your best friend got you into this. Forever now Y/B/F has always wanted you to go ice skating with her. She always said, "It's fun" or "You'll like it." So far you hate it. You've been busting your ass on the ice and you wish you didn't came. Y/B/F was just skating on the ice easily. She would help a little bit her and there but not as much as you needed. Next time I need to go the mall instead of ice skating for fun. You thought to yourself as you shook your head. Since you believed in never quitting, your going to try one more time before going to sit back down. As you skated, you started to feel yourself about to fall when someone caught you. You assumed it was your best friend, but the arms were to muscular to be her. You looked up to see a guy with dimples and hazel eyes looking down in your eyes with a smile. Let's just say you started to melt a little because he so cute. He soon realized what he was doing and woke up from the daze and he helped you up.
"I'm Ashton, I saw that you were about to fall do I decided to catch you." He said.
"Thank you very much Ashton and I'm Y/N. My best friend forced me to come here with her.
"She is great at ice skating and she ditched me to talk to some dude." You said and looked in her direction and Ashton did as well.
"You know I am really good at ice skating." Ashton said looking at you. You wasn't sure what he was trying to imply. "If you want me to, I can ice skate with you." He said and you smiled. Even though he is a stranger, he seemed to really want to help you.
"Yeah, I want to ice skate with you." You said and then Ashton smiled and took yout hand and started skating with him. Ashton and you skated for hours and you loved it. Also, you ended up learning your way around the ice thanks to him...

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