Couple selfie (Ashton)

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Ashton was leaving that morning to go on tour. He was sad that you couldn't come, and that he wouldn't be able to see your beautiful face.

"I'll miss you y/n! I'll miss you so much!" Ashton sadly said, pulling you into a hug. "I won't be able to see you everyday and it kills me"

"Maybe you can" you excitedly said running to your shared bedroom to grab your phone.

"What are you doing babe?"

You sat down at the island, patting down the seat beside you.

Ashton sat down beside you, giving you a cup of tea.

"So what are we doing?" He asked raising his eyebrow as he watched you set a timer in your phone.

"How many days are you going to be gone?" You asked deleting an app cause you didn't have enough space to take any pictures.

"70 days. Why?"

"Well let's take 70 pictures. Everyday you would be able to look at a different picture of us together. I know it's stu-"

"It's not stupid y/n. This is very thoughtful of you" he smiled kissing you on your cheek. "Let's take some selfies!"

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