He's A Nerd (Luke)

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Your brother busted into your room suddenly. Like what is wrong with him? He always does this when he wanted you to do something. I guess one of his friends are coming over.

"Y/N, Luke is coming over so don't act annoying." Your brother said and you just shook your head. Him and Luke are total opposites. Your brother is the captain of the basketball team while Luke is a total good boy or so you think. He gets straight A's in every single class. Luke was a nice guy and considered nerdy while your brother is mean to you. Honestly you never talked to Luke, mostly because he was your brother's best friend and you find him attractive. You know your brother would kill either one of you if you tried to get into a relationship with each other.

"Okay Y/B/N I get it. Now get out of my room." You said to him and he walked out of your room. From downstairs you heard your brother greet Luke.

"Hey Luke, what's up?" Your brother asked.

"Nothing really Y/B/N. What about you?" Luke asked.

"I have to deal with Y/N tonight. My parents said so."Your brother said and you just rolled your eyes.

"She doesn't seem that bad." Luke said and you smiled.

"You don't understand." Your brother said and turned on the video games. He is such a douche when he wants to be.

-Few Hours Later-

You were still in your room and was really hungry. You decided to go down the stairs to get something to eat. Luke was downstairs alone playing video games. After you grabbed a bag a chips you decided to walk over and talk to him.

"Hi, where did Y/B/N go?" You asked and Luke looked up at you and smiled.

"He went to see Allison." Luke said, "She texted him and asked if can help her come over to help her." You shook your head Allison is the school slut. Your brother talked about going and doing things you can't say out loud with Allison.

"That's some bullshit." You said and Luke looked shocked that you even said that.

"What?" Luke asked, chuckling.

"Do you really believe that he is going to "help" Allison? She is a slut." You said bluntly.

"I know, I know. He is totally going to fuck her." Luke said which took you aback. He doesn't seem to be the one to cuss. Maybe it's your brother's influence to cause himself to feel as if he can cuss around you.
"You cussed." You said stating the obvious and he laughed.

"It seems like I don't do it?" Luke asked while chuckling.

"Yeah it does." You said.

"Let's just say I'm a nerd with a little edge." Luke said winking, which caused you to laugh.

"What are you playing?" You asked.

"Pokemon." He said.

"We don't have that game." You said.

"It's one of my games but, Y/B/N said it wasn't cool to play it." Luke said and you rolled your eyes.

"Don't pay no mind to my brother he is just a huge douche bag."You said and Luke laughed a bit at it.

"He is the only jock that was ever nice to me. Maybe it's because I help him with his homework." Luke said.

"Are you sure your helping him or doing it for him?" You asked, knowing your brother would make Luke do it for him.

"Sometimes he does it." Luke said.

"You need to stop letting my brother take advantage of you. You deserve better than just to be his friend because your smart." You said.
"Why do you even care?" Luke asked, looking into your eyes.

"I know that you have my brother's best interests at heart, but he wants to take advantage of you." You said, "And I have seen what you are like and your probably the nicest person I've met that Y/B/N has ever hung out with." You said with a genuine smile. Luke blushed a little bit.

"None has ever said that to me besides family. Not even your brother." Luke said and I shook my head.

Those people are jerks so don't worry about them." You said. "Honestly Luke, I really care about you." Luke still blushed.

"I really care about you too. Whenever your brother talks about you I always defend you, because you don't deserve it." Luke said.

"I've been listening, and I want to thank you for staying true to who you are." You said and then put your hand on top his hand. Luke then looked up at you, and you both stared into each other's eyes with intensity.

"May I please kiss you Y/N?" Luke asked.

"Of course." You said and then Luke kissed you and it was fireworks. From that day on Luke learned not to allow your brother take advantage of him, and also you became his girlfriend in giving him courage.

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