Your new pet (Ashton)

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You smelled a smell so disgusting, that it made you want to vomit. You look at Ashton.

"I think your dog left a treat." You laughed.

"Do you mean your dog?" Ashton giggled.

You rolled your eyes. "You bought the damn dog so you pick up his shit!"

"We both bought it, y/n."

"Like I said, your dog left you a treat. Please pick it up and on your way there make sure you spray some febreeze."

His face scrunched up in disgust.

"Please y/n, you never clean it and I'm tired."

"Don't you think I'm tired too?" You laughed. "Your dog, barks all night, not letting me get the 8 hours of sleep I need."

Ashton rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and turning away from you.

"Babe, you shouldn't be mad at me. Your dog did that shit, not me."

Ashton turned back around. "What's today?" He asked you.

"August 15th, why?"

A smirk appeared on his lips. "Oh nothing" he giggled.

"Tell me!!" You said playfully hitting him upside his head.

"Don't you need a ride, to see the movie Straight outta Compton at the DriveIn?

Your eyes went wide, "You wouldn't dare!!!"

"I sure would"

You rolled your eyes, standing up from the couch. "Are you happy now?" You bickered, as you looked for the treat. Once you found it, you were about to clean it up when Ashton pulled you to the side.

"Go sit down babe, I will do it." He smiled.

You smiled back at him giving him a quick hug. "Your the best." You whispered into his ear.

"Did you really think I'll let you pick up dog shit?" He laughed after he was done cleaning it up.

"Yep" you said popping the 'p'

"I would never let you do that. This is a man job, not a chocolate beauty's job."

You rested your head on his chest. "Are still taking me to see Straight outta Compton?

"Of course y/n!"

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