He's Sick (luke)

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You enter the bedroom after hearing Luke constantly coughing and groaning so much. He's laying on the bed with his shirt off and eyes closed, breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" You ask. He looks more pale than ever and his nose is slightly red.

"I think I'm sick," He says hoarsely, opening his eyes.

You chuckle a bit. "You think?" You sit beside him and feel his forehead. "You're so hot."

He smirks. "I'm always hot, babe. Thanks for noticing though."

You smile and smack his arm. "Do you want anything? Any medicine or juice?"

He shakes his head. "I just want to cuddle with you, love."

You smile lightly. "Okay, but if I get sick I'm sneezing on you."

He scrunches up his nose in disgust. "You're disgusting,"

"You love me."

"Very much." He pinches your cheek and you smack his hand away.

"Ouch!" He pouts.

"Do you wanna cuddle or not?"

He nods childishly.

You lay beside him and intertwine your legs and arms with his. Your head rests on his bare chest as he strokes your hair softly.

"Mmm. This feels lovely," He says. "You're so warm and your hair is so soft."

"Thanks weirdo," You say, tracing his bare chest. "Just don't cough on me."

"I'll try not to," He smiles.

After a minute of silence he finally speaks. "(Your Name)?"

You look up to his face. "Yeah, Luke?"

"You give way better cuddles than Michael."

You laugh. "Thanks Luke...that really means a lot, babe."

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