Texting Michael Clifford (Part 3 )

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A/n: sorry for the wait

You were scurrying passed the rushing crew. You managed to get pass the guard, which you really didn't think would be that easy. You were confused, but you pushed that thought from your mind cause all you could think about, at the moment, was a bright eyed boy that stole your heart. You still didn't know what you were going to say to him but you were hoping that whatever comes out of your mouth would win him back.

You sat on a black stool, that one of the staff members provided for you, humming along to Jet Black Heart

"Everybody got there demons even wide awake or dreaming", you sung as you watched the screaming fans in awe. After a few more verses into the song a brunette walked up to you, blocking your view.

"Are you a fan?" She asked looking down at you, with a smile plastered on her thin lips. You stood up, feeling a bit weird but quickly sat back down cause standing made you feel weirder.

"No I'm Michaels girlfriend." Is what you wanted to say, but you nodded your head, going along with it. You so badly wanted to tell her that you were the girl that made him blush at the sight of you, the girl that would keep him up all night, talking about life and getting to know each other. You wanted to tell her that there was no such thing as a Malum, Muke, or a Mashton. You are the girl that makes him smile and feel a love that he has never felt before.

She grabbed your hand helping you get off the stool.

"You going to be one lucky hell of a fan!" She gleamed.

"What do you mean?" You asked, raising your brow.

"Your the girl they picked to go on the stage right, your Georgia Rose?"

You gulped, moving back and forth on your toes. Your heart skipped a beat as you took in deep breaths.

"Are you Georgia Rose?" She questioned crossing her arms.

"Y-yeah I'm Georgia, it's me Georgia Rose." You stuttered wiping your wet hands against your jeans.

"Okay, cool. So this is how it's going to work. Once they finish the song they're singing, Calum would do a big introduction and call you out. Are you. Clear?"

You nodded your head, turning on your phone camera, checking to see if you looked okay.

I can't believe I'm doing this

Time had seemed to slow down, as your heart beated louder and harder. Calum had just called you, well Georgia. You walked out, to be blinded by the light that shines on the boys when they perform, and your ears burst from the loud screams of teenage girls. Michael was too busy talking to Luke that he didn't even notice you. Calum grabbed your hand, sitting you down on the stool and letting you hold his guitar. You Wanted to scream so bad. You were holding Calum Hood bass guitar.

"Who's your favorite Georgia?" He smiled.

"All of you guys but Michael is my favorite." It seemed that once you spoke, you felt a pair of eyes on you. Yeah there was thousands of eyes on you, but this pair of eyes, made you weak.

"Y/n?" He called out shocked to see you.

"Mikey, it's me. I'm so s-"

"I'm so confused this is Georgia Rose." Calum awkwardly giggled. All the boys looked towards back stage the see the real Georgia Rose standing there. She was crying. She was a pretty black girl.

You waited backstage, nervous a'f. The concert was done and you were waiting for Michael to get cleaned up.

He came back shortly, with a new shirt but with the same ripped jeans. He grabbed ahold of your hand, leading you out of the Arena.

He lead you to a car, opening the door for you and went around to sit in the driver seat.

The music stayed at a low volume, as the moon glistened on his pale skin. His fingers tapped along to the beat, as yours were curled up under your arms.
The whole car ride was silent.

You stood in his hotel room, eyes wide as you watch him unzip his pants, eyes glued to yours.

You took off your clothes , throwing your shirt onto the floor, sliding of your jeans.

Your mouth parted, as his cold breath hit your skin. His lips slowly moving from your neck to your lips. Y'all lips were moving in sync as he lifted you up, gently sitting you down on his bed.

"I'm so glad your here with me." Was the last words spoken. You guys had a long memorable night. You both were Virgins but somehow knew what y'all were doing. You stayed with Michael for 3 days, until it was eventually time for you to get back home.

"I'll see you again?" He asks zipping up your jacket zipper.

"Yeah, look Michael i haven't apologized from the text I sent and I just want to say how sorry-"

He cut you off with a kiss. "It's fine y/n."

(A/n: I always pictured Georgia rose as a black girl lol if you don't know what I'm talking about I'm guessing ur not a 1d fan?)

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