He's A Nerd (Michael)

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You were walking down the hall with your best friend Michael. You and Michael have been best friends ever since kindergarten when he gave you a worm. In your mind you thought he was so cool for it. Even to this day you think that Michael is cool. Other people might not think that like you do because they feel that he is a nerd. Barely anyone gave him shit for it. Michael always hung around you and people knew you as the touch girl, which made you popular. Other than that, you may have been picked on. For years, you've had feelings for Michael, but you for three reason you believed that Michael would never think of you in that. Reason 1: He is your best friend, Reason 2: You're somewhat of a tomboy and Reason 3: He is your best friend. For these three reasons, Michael only thinks of you as a best friend or sister nothing more. Tonight you were having a party just for the hell of it. All your friends are invited, but you knew how it was going to turn into a house party. Michael has never been to your parties and it has been your mission for him to go to at least one of them before this year is over with.

"Michael, I am having a party tonight." You said, lookng at him and he shook his head. Honestly you knew he surely didn't want to go at all.

"Y/N, I have told you many of times the parties are not for me. I am not or will ever be popular because I am a ner-" Michael started to say, but you interrupted him.

"Your not and your my best friend. You are always allowed to come to my parties.Luke, Calum and Ashton always come to my parties. A part is missing without you there." You said looking into his eyes, "Pretty please come to this party." You said pointing his green orbs looked into your brown ones and smiled.

"Only for you and the other boys." Michael said and then you hugged him.

"Yay!!" You said as you hugged him. While you were hugging him you saw a four boys walk past. The one that was leading the pack was your ex boyfriend Jason. He broke up with you for not putting out after admitting to cheating on you with five different girls. Let's just say you honestly hated him. Jason still tries to get back with you this very day. Jason looked over at you and smirked and then he looked over at Michael and mugged him.

"Why does he hate me so much?" Michael asked, you knew Michael didn't care. It's just that it always seemed like Jason has had it out for Michael since you started dating him.

"I don't know, he is an asshole anyways." You said.

"True." Michael says, nodding his head.

"Let's get on with the rest of our day!" You said, and he nodded his head walking with you to the rest of your classes.

-Skips To The Party-

Your house was filled with more than your friends. It had best friends, friends, associates and hell maybe even some people's parents. It was just that full. Michael hasn't showed up yet at all, and you were wondering if he actually would even show. You walked over to Ashton, Luke and Calum.

"Do you know where Michael is?" You asked and they shook their heads no.

"Well, he told me that he was coming soon." Ashton said.

"He only said, that he maybe late, but I am nor sure for what reason." Calum said.

"Yeah." Luke said nodding in agreement.

"Thanks guys and have a great time." You said.

"We will." They said in unison as you walked off. Then you walked up to your room and locked the door. It was away to make sure people were not using your bedroom to fulfill their needs. After you did that you walked downstairs to see Michael. His hair was a bright red, which you found really hot on him. Maybe it was his way of surprising you. Then you walked up to Michael and hugged him.

"Thank you for coming." You said, whispering into his ear.

"No problem." Michael said with a smile.

"By the way, I am digging the red." You said and he smiled at what you said.

"Thanks, I was going to surprise you with this." Michael said, chuckling and you nodded your head.

"You did." You said and as you were talking you saw your ex Jason. He then tapped Michael on his shoulder. Michael turned our to see Jason and he didn't look happy to see him.

"Y/N, what is this loser doing here?" Jason asked, pointing to Michael. Michael looked at him and pushed Jason's finger away from pointing at him.

"It's MY house and MY party and Michael is MY bestfriend. Last time I checked, we broke up. Which means that you have no right to tell me who can come to my party or not." You said, honestly you were really sassy when it comes to people trying to tell you what to do.

"Michael don't belong with you at all, you belong with me. Everyone knows that Michael is soft and would never be able to do you right like I can. Look at him and look at me, which would you rather choose?" Jason asked and you laughed.

"Michael." You said.

"Wrong answer." Jason said and started to lunge forward towards you, but Michael got in front of you.

"I suggest you stop being disrespectful and just leave Y/N's party now. If Y/N don't want you she don't want you. You can't force her to be with you." Michael said and Jason got into his face.

"Little boy, you need to know that Y/N would never give you a chance. Everyone knows you like her, but it has been a long time since she has figured it out. Who would want a scrawny punk as-" Jason began to say until Michael punched Jason in the face. To everyone's surprise Jason fell to the ground with a bloody nose. Before anything else can get out of hand, him and his group exited the party. Michael was still in shock, and you saw his hand was red.

"Michael, let's go get you an ice pack for it." You said.

"Okay." He said and you both walked into the kitchen. You grabbed an ice pack from your fridge and gave it to him and he put it onto his left hand.

"I don't even know what got me to do that. He just pissed iff so much. Jason said I would never have a chance with you." Michael said, so with what Jason was talking about with Michael liking you was true.

"So Michael, it's true you like me?" You asked Michael,

"Yes. I do. I just never thought you would like me that way and just think of me as a brother." Michael and you just shook your head.

"Michael you were so wrong, I like you and I thought you would never like me because I am a bit of a tomboy. I would have never thought that you would like me." you said. "I though you would be into the way I act, dance play. I've always heard that all guys want girls that are girly. I am not girl nor I am bea-" You began to say, but it was stopped when he kissed you. So much passion came from him and the picture. Then you began to kiss him back. After a few minutes after he pulled away.

"I've waiting forever to do this." Michael said then you smiled.

"I have been waiting on this.." You said and then you kissed Michael on the lips. From now on both you and Michael away together even being best friends with him since forever...

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