Vine saying he tells you (Calum)

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"And I was like-" you were interrupted from your conversation with your group of friends. It was lunch time, so you and your friends were in the cafeteria talking about your life problems and how the day went as y'all ate.

"Can I help you?" You asked sipping out of your drink. The dark haired, brown eyed boy stared at you like he was contemplating on saying something.

"My name is C-Calum", he stuttered sitting down beside you. You scooted a way.

"Cool, why are you he-"

"Zayummmm do you got a bae or nah, is you tryna date or nahh", he awkwardly song trying to wrap his arm over your shoulder but you pushed him away.

"Learn how to properly ask a girl out, and maybe you'd have a bae!" You sassed.

"I-I do, it's just my friend Michael said it was a good idea, I really like you y/n," he pleads getting on his knees.

"Get up" you commanded. He did as you told.

"I'll think about it, and never ever do that again."

"Yes!!" He sighs, giving you a quick hug. "Please think about" and with hat he runs off to his group of friends, that was three tables away.

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