He's A Nerd (Calum)

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Your grades in your Calculus class honestly sucked. Both of your parents always talked to you about your grades. You've tried and tried to get your grades up, but it just never seemed to work. Today you got home from school to see your mom talking with someone else. Who could this be? I wonder what it was about? It was your next door neighbors and her son Calum. You have always thought he was cute, but you just didn't like him that much. To you it seemed as if he had hate you and had it out for you.

"Calum, do you accept tutoring Y/N?" His mom asked and your eyes widen. Hell no... Then you walked into the room and looked at your mom.

"Really mom?" You asked.

"Yes Y/N, since your grades are horrible then you will just have to get tutored by Calum starting today. Your dad and I will be gone for the day, so you'll have time to study now." Your mom said and just walked out the room.

"Bullshit." You mumbled under your breath and went upstairs. You liked the idea of being around a cute guy, but why Calum? He hates you so much or at least you think. You got upstairs and sat down on your bed and started playing music. Honestly you hope that they heard what you were playing. You played Anaconda by Nicki Minaj, which pisses your mom off when you listen or dance to it. After the song was over you saw the door open and then you looked over to see Calum and not your mom. He then pressed the off button and looked at you.

"I rather not be her at all, but you have to be tutored. I won't get paid if I don't get your grade up." Calum said and you just rolled your eyes and got up and picked up your book.

"I guess I will learn, just to make my mom happy." You said and shook your head.

"Your mom almost ran up here to get you, but I had to calm her down." Calum said.

"Oh." You said, awkwardly because you felt bad because of your behavior. Usually you don't act like this with your mom. It's honestly because you hate Calum.

"Let's just get to working." Calum said and we both started to work on the assignments. In the little time we was studying and working I've seemed to have got it. I'm so happy I did.

"Want anything?" You asked, getting up to take a study break.

"Yes, just some water." He said and then you got up to take a break.

"Okay." You said and then walked downstairs, and you got pour some orange juice into your cup and then filled up a cup of water for Calum. As you walked out the kitchen and knocked into Calum. All of your orange juice spilled on your white shirt.

"Oh shit. Calum I'm so sorry!" You yelled.

"It's okay." He said.

"I'll get you a shirt." You said and ran up to your older brother's room. Currently he is in college and then you took one of his random t-shirts. Then you back downstairs.

"Calum, here is a shirt." You said.

"Thank you." He said and started to button down his shirt. Your eyes widen in shock. You wasn't expecting to that Calum, your nerdy neighbor was ripped.

"What's wrong," he asked, not sure why you were staring at him.

"Your ripped.." You said and then Calum rolled his eyes.

"Just because I get exceptional grades doesn't mean I don't work out." Calum said, "They're many things I can just assume about you just for being black." He said.

"Like what?" You asked, giving him a look. Calum smirked at you.

"For example, that you only eat fried chicken." Calum said and then you just shook your head. It's not true at all.

"That's not true at all." You said.

"Then don't assume things about me." He said and then started to turn back around to walk away.

"Why do you hate me?" You said. "It seems as if the first time you saw me you had it out for me. Do you just think that I'm not smart because I am black? If so then that is fucked up of you Calum Hood. I thought you of all peop-" You said until his lips were on yours. At first you were shocked, but you soon kissed back. Slowly you pulled away from the kiss.

"What was that for?" You asked, still wanting to know why Calum kissed you.

"It's because I've always like you. I thought you would never go for me so I decided just pretended to hate you." Calum said and you shook your head.

"If you have just been honest with me Calum, I would have given you a chance." You said, "Kiss me." Calum smiled widely and kissed you again.

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