You think he found someone better (Luke)

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For a while now, you've been getting hate for dating Luke Hemmings. The hate was honestly getting to because you feel as if you were lucky to even be with Luke. Also he seems to not be wanting spend as much time with you like he usually did before. All these things made you think that Luke has found someone better than you. You'd understand if did, because he is out of your league. At least, so you think. Finally, Luke came home and walked in and you were on the couch.

"Hey babe!" Luke said as he walked towards you and sat down onto the couch. You looked up at him and then you looked away from him. It made Luke frown, because he knew that something was wrong.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked, it seemed as if don't know what is going on. You signed and then looked at him.

"Be honest with me Luke..." You started off.

"Be honest about what? I've been honest to you about everything." Luke said, he sounded a little hurt.

"Have you found someone better that me?" You asked him. Luke eyes widen in shock.

"No love, I haven't at all. You're the one for me." Luke said, looked into your eyes. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, lately you've been a bit distant and honestly I think that you can find someone better than me." You said and Luke shook his head. "You're like a ten and I'm just a ...6."

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/LN, don't you get that I love you so much? I'm not looking for anyone else, what I want is right in front of me." Luke said, looking into your eyes. "Also, I've been a bit stressed because of the upcoming tour."

"I understand and I love you." You said.

"I love you too, and I want you to understand that I love you. Don't ever doubt yourself again." Luke said and then kissed you on the lips...

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