Couple selfie (Luke)

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You were scrolling through your pictures on your phone when you realized you had none with your boyfriend Luke hemmings. You've been dating for 6 months so you should at least have something.

"Luke" you yelled through the crowd of people aka the staff team for Luke and his band mates. Once you finally found him, you pulled him to the side.

"You okay babe?" Luke asked trying to read your face.

"I'm fin-"

"Is the staff treating you bad again? Are the fans sending you hate?" He asked looking down at your phone that was in your hand.

"No I'm fine. The staff hasn't acknowledge me at all today so I'm good and the fans.. I don't know but I didn't come get you for that. I wanted to ask if you would like to take a picture with me- you don't have too but I was just wondering if you would like to?"

"Anything for you." He smiled

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