He's a Nerd (Ashton)

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You were in your Chemistry class, but your focus was not on the teacher instead it was on a guy by the name of Ashton Irwin. He is so hot, he has the cutest dimples and nice hazel eyes. You never tried to pursue anything because, one thing is for sure that you both ran in different crowds. To everyone your considered popular, while he was considered a nerd, but not to you at least. After the bell for class rang everyone started to pack up.

"Y/N and Ashton, please come here for a second." Your chemistry teacher said. Then you both walked up to her desk, but you knew what it was about. Your grade in that class has been getting lower as the day went on.

"Hello Miss." Ashton said, in a polite manner.

"Hey Miss, what's up?" You asked, wanting to know if it was actually about your grade in her class.

"Well, I have been noticing your grade in my class has been deteriorating, slowly but surely. I've decided to let the Ashton who is the best student in the class tutor you." She said and then your eyes widen. Your not sure if she said what she think she just said.

"Umm what?" You asked.

"Ashton Irwin is going to be tutoring you Y/N. If your not ok-" She began to say. "I am okay with it." You said, not going to ruin your chances of getting tutored by Ashton. Then she looked at Ashton looking for an approval and he nodded his head.

"Okay, so get to know him better." and I nodded my head. "Your dismissed." She said and then I walked out the room before Ashton did.

"Hey Ashton I am Y/N and since my parents are gone I think you should come to my house." You said.

"I knew you were Y/N, everyone knows about you. What's your address?" Ashton asked and then you gave him your address.

"Thank you very much Ashton for accepting to tutor me." You said and he nodded his head.

"No worries Y/N. I'll see you after school." He says and you nodded your head.

"See you then." You said and then walked away. Honestly, you wasn't happy about your grade, but you were happy to get tutored by Ashton. You walked to your locker and put your chemistry book into it and took out your English book. Your best friend Amiyah walked up to you.

"Hey girl, your still up for the movies?" She asked and you looked at her and shook your head.

"No, I have to get tutored in Chemistry." I said. "By who?" Amiyah asked curiously and then she took a sip of her water.

"Ashton Irwin." She choked her water. "What?" I asked trying to make sure that she was okay.

"That nerdy boy in your Chemistry class? He is a little weirdo." She said and you gave her the eye.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover. You don't know Ashton's story, so don't label him." You said.

"You know his story Y/N? News flash Y/N, if you hang out with him your considered a traitor and a nerd. Your status would be lost girl." Amiyah said.

"A traitor and a nerd I will be then." You said and chucked up the deuces and walked away from her. The rest your day went smoothly, but as you went to your locker after school you heard banging. What could that be? Then you grabbed your chemistry book and put it into your book bag and then looked to see what was going on. You saw Ashton pushed up against the locker by the Quarterback of your school's football team, Corey and his followers Devin and William. You shook your head. You hated all three of them because they were douche bags.

"We better not ever see you talking Y/N again, to her your just some nerd. You will nev-" Corey began to say and then you walked over to them.

"Leave him alone!" You said. All three of them looked shocked to see you defending him.

"So you like this nerd?" Devin asked and pointed to Ashton.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. It's none of your business. Just let him go or I will have to kick all three your asses into next week." You said, looking at them. They knew you don't play and Corey put him down.

"Okay your crazy bitch." Corey said, walking off with his crew. You just shook your head.

"Are you okay Ashton?" You asked looking into eyes. He nodded his head. You saw that he was clutching his stomach and you spotted a bruise that will form under his eye. "Let's go to my house, and I have ointment there." You said.

"I don't need it at all Y/N." Ashton said and you looked him.

"Don't lie." You said.

"Maybe a little, but I don't want to feel as I am some kind of burden on y-" Ashton began to say.

"Your not, I want to help you. Don't worry." You said and then you walked out of the school with Ashton. Ashton got into your car and got into the passenger's side and you drove off.You got to your home and unlocked the door and walked ahead of Ashton. After he sat down on his couch, you locked the door.

"Get comfortable Ashton and take off your shirt. I am going to get my first aid kit." You said as you walked into the kitchen.

"Okay." Ashton said and then you grabbed the first aid kit. Then you walked back into your living room and bit your lip at the site. My, my my.. under those batman t-shirts lies muscles and abs. If some girls were able to see this their view of Ashton would change.

"Y/N." He said and snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Oh yeah." Then you waled over to him and got the ointment and put some on his stomach which was bruised. Then put some under his eye."I'm done." You said with a smile and he just looked at you in shock.

"Why did you help me?" Ashton mumbled, but you didn't him.

"What?" You asked as you looked over at him.

"Why did you help me?" He asked and looked at you.

"I helped you because it's the right thing to do." You said, being honest.

"Your really popular and I am just some nerd. We run in different groups. What would make you want to help me?" Ashton asked.

"Ashton, to be honest with you. I knew who you was because I know your different then those popular boys. Your nice, caring, sweet and just hot." You said, which your eyes widen realizing your revealed too much.

"You think I am hot?" He asked, he was shocked by it.

"Yes, I do. I just know that you wouldn't believe me though." You said.

"I doubt you would believe me if I told you that I've always had a crush on you. You're absolutely beautiful. I thought you would never be into me because by your friends, I am considered some nerdy little white boy." Ashton said.

"They are not and will never be my friends Ashton. All them are just going to end up just peaking in high school. You are going to be something great Ashton." Ashton blushed a bit and looked into your eyes. Suddenly he leaned in and kissed you. Honestly you were shocked when he did this and he pulled away fast.

"Y/N I am sor-" He began to say until you cut him off. "Don't be Ashton, I liked you too and I honestly I liked that you kissed me." You said and then smiled. Ashton smiled and then you kissed him yourself. After a few minutes he pulled away.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" Ashton asked and then you looked at him and smiled. "Of course." You said and from that day on your life changed for the better...

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