Your insecure because people bully you (Ash)

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"You fat ugly ass bitch."

"Y/N wonders why no one likes her."

"She wishes that she could be us, but she'll never be us."

"She can just go die in a fucking hole." You heard all these words in your math class. Honestly, you wanted to cry, but you decided to stay strong. It was the only way you could go on. At least the class was going to end soon.

"Y/N is a fat bitch, is a fat bitch, is a fat bitch, Y/N is a fat bitch and deserves hate." Then all started to sing along to the song. You were sick of it, and you got up from your seat and walked out of the classroom. When your teacher followed you, you ran faster. Then you ran out of the school, put your keys into your ignition and drove off. You then turned on the radio and cried while driving. After a few minutes of driving you stopped at a Starbucks and parked in the parking lot. Your parents are home, so you decided just to lay low for the next few hours. Rather than going into the Starbucks, you just cried. You think that you'll never be good enough for anything. All your life you've been bullied and never had a boyfriend. That was because they told you that you were ugly or not their type. You knew that their type was tall, blonde and skinny which you were the opposite. You believed that it made you a target. Then you heard a knock on the door which startled you. It was a guy with curly hair and glasses on and dimples. You rolled down the window to this stranger.

"What do you want?" You asked.

"I want to talk to the beautiful girl that is crying. She doesn't deserve to cry like this." The guy said.

"I'm not beautiful." You said to him bluntly. He gasped and you just rolled your eyes. Suddenly he walked to the passenger's side and got in.

"Get out!" You said.

"No, I need to know why you don't think you're beautiful." He said.

"You really want to know?" You asked, and started to tear up a little.

"Yeah." He said and nodded his head.

"I've been bullied all my life. All I've been told was that I was ugly by guys in general. Also I never had a boyfriend because I am so ugly." You said and started to break down in tears. The guy then held you while you just cried.

"I'm so sorry that has happened to you.You seem like an amazing girl and you're very beautiful. If people at your school don't see that, then they weren't meant to see it. Don't let what they say get to you because one day you are going to make the people that genuninely love you happy." He said, which made you smile. It was the first time you smiled in a while and you looked up at him.

"Thank you so much..." You said, but you didn't know the name of this helpful stranger.

"Ashton, and what's your name?" He asked.

"My name is Y/N." You said.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I was going to go into Starbucks to get some coffee, Y/N would you like to talk to me over some coffee?" Ashton asked and you smiled and nodded your head.

"I would love to." You said, and Ashton got out of your car. You were confused at what he was doing and then he opened the door for you. You then got out of your car and walked with Ashton into the Starbucks.

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